Friday, November 22, 2013

I am fed up!

I know I will never get the opportunity, but would love the chance to ask some candid questions of our president and congress members.
Like, what exactly do you do with all the taxpayers' money?  How much money is spent for nonsense, like studying the amount of water that flows out of a spring, or how fast ketchup runs?  How much do we send to other countries for aid?  and why?  Do you know that there are many Americans who are unemployed, homeless and hungry?  If you are going to flitter money away, why not do it here at home?  And where do you get off telling me I must buy health insurance?  And why does the president never say "in God we trust", or "one nation, under God"?  Our country was founded upon Christian principles.  Our forefathers knew that we should live by God's rules.  Because they knew that, our nation is among the  most blessed in the world.  But sadly, we are giving that up little by little. 
I feel like everything out of the president's mouth during campaigning and after being elected was a big fat lie.  There are news clips of him saying one thing and beside it, a few years later him saying the opposite.  We do not want a wishy-washy leader.  We want one who stands his ground and does what is right and good for the American people.  We want a leader who above all else is a patriot.  One with morals and a conscience.  One who loves his wife with all his heart.  One who seeks God's will at every decision.A leader who is not swayed by hard, cold cash.  Is that too much to ask?  I know there are those who didn't care for Ronald Reagan or the Bush's, but by God, at least they were Americans at heart.  They sincerely cared about our country.  I guarantee you if Reagan was in office when the 911 bombing happened, there would no longer have been many countries left over there.  We should have told Afghanistan they had 3 days to produce the responsible parties or we would blow their country off the map.  We should have acted swiftly and decisively.  The Bible says it is not good to have war, but if you must, go to conquer and end it.  I don't understand why we drug that out for months and months. 
And why is it we are afraid of infringing on the Muslims' rights or freedoms?  A true Muslim believes that if you are not a Muslim, you are an infidel and must be killed.  That's the long and short of it.  By golly, if you want to live in our country, more power to you, but you will work and pay taxes just like the rest of us, and if you say or do anything anti-American, you need to be punished, or sent back to your home country.  If you want to carry your koran, great.  But if you try to kill an American for that religion, you should be put to death. 
And why do we spend tax dollars housing violent criminals for years and years and allowing them appeal after appeal?  I realize there are those who think death is too good for some and they want them to suffer, but prison isn't like the chain gang anymore.  I think if you committed a violent crime and there are witnesses to it, and there is no doubt about your guilt, you should be put to death right after your speedy trial.  That would eliminate crowded prisons.  And it would be a great deterrent to those who know that the worst they will get is living in prison. 
I feel like our country is full of people just like me - average citizens.  Average people who work hard while watching those who do nothing be rewarded for it.  If you are going to require us to pay taxes, at least be somewhat frugal with our money, and at the very least, be accountable to us. We elected you - to represent us.  So far, that's not really happening.  And why do you get life-long benefits for serving an elected office for a few years?  When your term is up, it's up.  Go back to whatever you did before.  Get a job.  Pay some taxes.  Buy your own health insurance.  And if we elected you, and you are not representing your district, we should have the right to oust you.  If both congress and the president looked at their positions as an elected job, as a person "hired' by the people, things would be different.  They would try to do a good job.  And why don't we vote with actual votes?  I know electoral votes were instituted because it would have been impossible to tally votes in a timely manner. That is not the case today.  When American Idol can tell you they had 12,000,000 votes last night, I feel we could count everyone's vote in a matter of a few days.  And THAT would be truly representing the people of the United States.
Arrgh!  Just so disgusted with every aspect of our government right now.