Friday, December 20, 2013

Phil Robertson, Unlikely Messenger

Oh. My. Word!  Did A&E have any idea what would happen when they suspended Phil Robertson?  Surely they are not all dummies there.  I realize the gay rights people funnel money to them, but it seems like they have cut off their nose to spite their face!
Here's the deal. Homosexuality is wrong.  No if's, and's or but's.  God says it is wrong.  It is not a gray area.  It is not up for interpretation.  It is wrong.  Our culture is all about "tolerance".  Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but "tolerance" is wrong.  God is not tolerant.  God does not say, "Well, I know you're gay, and I know you have killed a couple of people, but that's OK, don't worry about it."  God says to love the sinner but hate the sin.  We are not to condone wrong behavior.  We ARE to love the people, and pray for the people, and encourage the people to do what's right.  There is a difference between judging someone for their actions and encouraging them to do the right thing. Sin is sin in God's eyes.  None is greater than the other.  Liars are in the same boat with murderers.  We, as humans have made different levels of what we consider to be OK, or worse.  Child molesters are the bottom of the list.  But in God's eyes, it's all the same.  Our minds are not capable of thinking like God.
As for Phil Robertson, thank the Lord that someone in a position of stardom has the guts to speak his mind and stand up for what is right.  I agree with Phil.  Not because he is Phil Robertson, but because the Bible says it.  We are instructed to believe the Bible from cover to cover, not taking anything away, or adding anything to it.  His heart is in exactly the right place.  I feel that God is using him to accomplish what many lesser known people have been trying to do for many years.  He doesn't "look" like an evangelist, but he is certainly being used to spread the Word of God.  And, as foretold in the Bible, persecution will come to those who stand up for God.  I believe there are many more Christians than there are people who support gay rights.  We have been silent far too long.  We have not wanted to appear as a "radical" to match the loud, crazy people asking for gay rights.  But it is time to stand up and shout what we believe.
I am amazed at what is on TV.  It's ok to show children being disrespectful to their parents, boobs, sex scenes, bad language, and a host of other things, but it is not OK to state your personal beliefs?  Really?  Our nation is one of the most blessed in the world.  Because it was founded on Christian principles.  Because our forefathers knew when the hand of God protects you, nothing can harm you.  Well, we have slowly asked God to get out of our lives.  No prayer in schools.  No pledge of allegiance to the flag.  No Ten Commandments.  No Bibles.  The gay rights movement is just one more thing our country is flaunting in God's face.  He will not be tolerant of it.  For all the people who want "peace" and to "get along with each other", that will not come without God.  God is a God of second chances.  Our country could once again be great if our people would repent of their sins and ask for God's forgiveness and help.  Will it happen?  Who knows.
In the meantime, thank you Phil Robertson for standing up for what you believe, no matter the cost.  We pray God's blessings on you and your family.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Merry "Holiday"?????

I am offended by those who wish to say Happy Holidays and not Merry Christmas!  What do you think this holiday is about?  Where do you think it came from?  Why do we have to worry about offending a very few people?  I am sure I have unintentionally offended many people throughout my life.  And by the same token, many have offended me.  But I didn't make a big hooplah about it.  I went on about my way.  If you are offended because I say Merry Christmas, get over it.  Don't say it back to me.  My right to say it is just as important as your right to not want to hear it.  If it weren't for "Christmas", there would be no "Happy Holidays".  Gripes me to hear that entire stores have changed their policy on this.