Thursday, January 16, 2014

ABORTION!! Legal or not legal?

Abortion is such a controversial subject.  Personally, I am against it.  I think it is unimaginable that you can kill an innocent baby, whether it is 3 weeks old in the womb, or it's head is half-way out at full term.  I believe that life begins at conception, and that God does not make mistakes.  All life is precious. 
I heard on the news that a woman has been charged with capital murder.  Not for a shooting at a movie theater or grocery store, but for performing an abortion herself.  Now, I may be a bit of a redneck, but why is it legal for a doctor to kill a baby in an exam room, but not for a woman to do it herself?  Apparently she tried to do this while the baby was in her womb, but the baby actually delivered anyway, so she strangled it and left it in a dumpster.  Again, I can't imagine killing a baby at any point, for any reason, but why is she charged with capital murder and the doctors are not?  What's different?  Why does a drunk driver who kills a pregnant woman get charged with two lives, but that same woman can choose to voluntarily go kill her baby?  Makes no sense to me.  And as I look at this snip from Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, I am appalled that she made this statement and everyone said, "Oh, Ok. That makes sense."
What a sad state of affairs our country is in!