Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Maybe President Bush Was Right.....

I have been following the news on Iraq and ISIS, ISIL, and whoever else is claiming to be a terrorist. I am absolutely amazed that our country, one that "supposedly" values life, has allowed not one, but two Americans to be killed.  Not just killed, but publicly beheaded.  Bush predicted that if we pulled out of Iraq too soon, it would only open the door for another terrorist group to take up residence and grow stronger.  Well, to all you nay-sayers, he was right, and that's exactly what has happened.  I guarantee you if Ronald Regan were president, after the first beheading, there would no longer have been a country called Iraq.  And I hate to think of innocent lives lost, but I kind of feel like we should be doing way more than what we are to send a very strong message to them. 
I think at this point, no American needs to go to Iraq, period.  And If you choose to go, you'd better have all your belongings with you, because I would never let you back into this country. I would give all Americans a few days to get out of that country, and screen all returning Americans very carefully before they were allowed to go on about their lives, and then I think we should send a very strong message to the terrorists. And maybe we are "profiling" muslims.  So what?  If you are not a radical terrorist, then you have nothing to hide.  And the last time I checked, the muslim religion says if your not a muslim, then you are an infidel and must be killed.  Want to be a muslim? Great.  but if you think you can claim religion to take an American's life, that's not going to happen.
I know Iraq has had some very radical rulers in the past, but they kept the terrorist groups in-check. Were they fair?  Probably not, but they were crazy enough to make all these groups fear stepping out on their own. There is no easy answer at this point.  But making speeches, taking vacations, and whatever else President Obama is doing is NOT solving this problem.  We need to stop talking and start doing.  War is tragic for all sides involved, no matter what.  But sometimes it is necessary to establish security and control. 
Just makes me really mad to know that America, a country that used to be great and noble and feared by other countries is now mocked and scorned and we are doing nothing about it.