Friday, January 9, 2015

Banning Energy Drinks from Food Stamps? Really?

So, I guess a Missouri lawmaker is trying to ban energy drinks from being purchased with food stamp cards.  I didn't even know you  could buy them with food stamp cards.  What the heck?  So, here's a family either not working, or working but not earning enough that they need to use food stamps.  And in your dire situation you go to the store to get sustenance for you family and you choose energy drinks?  Here's the deal: If food stamps only included the most basic of necessities, I believe it would be less used than it currently is.  You need fruits, vegetables, dairy products, meats, beans, rice, pasta, flour, sugar etc.  All those items can be used to make healthy,nutritious meals for your family.  And with those products, you can even make treats, too!  Why on earth would I want to pay for you to buy energy drinks?  I can't afford energy drinks(not that I would buy them anyway, but it's the principle).  Nothing burns me more than to be standing in the checkout line with my generic brand products, only to see the guy in front of me buying crap, and name-brand crap, at that, and whip out a food stamp card to pay.  Some weeks I don't know if I'll have enough money to get the groceries we need, so if we have to do without, we do without.  I don't ask the government for money to buy junk! Arrrgh!