Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Unimaginable Tragedy - Two Children Dead

I am compelled to write something, though I don't know just what.  Two small children were killed by their own father in our area.  I do not know the details of this family's life, except that there was a custody battle going on between this father and the children's mother.  Small children.  Children whose potential wasn't even begun yet.  I can't fathom taking another person's life, let alone someone you profess to "love".  A mother is now enduring one of the most horrific things I can think of.  Not just losing one child, but losing two.  And not just losing them, but knowing their lives were ended by a person you once loved and trusted.  How can this be?
The only thing that comes to mind is that the father decided if he couldn't have them, no one would have them.  What a selfish thought.  Some have said he was battling depression.  Personally, I don't believe in depression.  Mental retardation is something that can't be helped.  But nearly every other mental "disease" is chosen by those who have it.  It is a way to "check out" of life.  If you succumb to depression, it is because you have chosen not to deal with unpleasantries in your life, and once someone gives you a label, you don't have to worry about it. Don't we all have days where we don't want to get out of bed?  Or days when it feels like the world is crashing in?  Those are the ups and downs of life.  And, believe me, EVERYONE has those days.  Some broadcast it, and others keep it in, but we all go through struggles and trials.  But not everyone chooses to behave in such a terrible way.  There is just no logical explanation for how this father could have done this.
My thoughts and prayers go out to these families that were affected by this.  Again, I can't imagine anything more awful than having to plan a funeral for your child.
And though we are not supposed to question God's plan, I am sure there are plenty here.  As I think about this father and the choices he made, I can't help but think he didn't know God.  I don't mean "believe" in God, I mean know God.  God made the ultimate sacrifice for us, sending His Son to die on a cross and take the punishment for our sins, all so we might have eternal life with Him in Heaven.  So, if you have accepted His gift and asked him to save you and come into your heart, you know God.  You have a personal relationship with him.  You have peace in the midst of whatever turmoil is going on.  You have joy in your heart, even when sorrow surrounds you.  You know that whatever this world brings your way, it is ultimately temporary, and eternal life in Heaven awaits you.  And though we experience heartache and tears while on this earth, there will come a day when our tears will be wiped away by God's own hand.
So, why, if God is a loving God, does He allow such terrible things to happen to people?  I am afraid I do not know the answer to that question.  I believe sometimes we are allowed to go through trials to force us to turn to Him when there is no where else to go.  Sometimes things happen to us so that in the future we will be able to be a comfort to others who may experience similar things.  Sometimes there just doesn't seem to be any reason at all.  When Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden, they brought sickness, pain, trials, and death to all mankind.  So terrible things are going to happen. God, in His infinite wisdom and love for us, made a way for us to avoid the worst tragedy - dying and spending an eternity in hell.  So, these trials and tribulations here on earth are nothing in comparison to hell.
Does that make this heartbroken mother less sad?  No.  But it does give us hope.  Hope for a future and hope for a tomorrow. My prayer is that God will comfort these families and give them the strength and courage to make it through this sorrowful time.