Friday, May 23, 2014

Phil Robertson in the Headlines, Again????

I have had it up to "here" (if you could see me, you would notice I am holding my hand above my head) with the media and Phil Robertson's so-called "anti-gay" comments.  First, who cares?  I personally agree with his views, but they are just that - his views.  I could go around saying I don't like fat women who wear spandex.  (I don't, by the way) I am not anti-fat people, or anti-women, or anti-spandex, and I did not knock on a fat woman's door and tell her.  It is my opinion.  I am fully entitled to it.  If you are gay, that is your choice.  I don't agree with it, and would never be the first one to say anything to you. But if you ask me my opinion on the subject, I will give it to you. I am a Christian.  Our job is to allow God to shine through us, our words, actions, etc.  Is God a loving God?  Of course.  Does he love sin? Of course not.  Many people seem to think that because we proclaim to be Christians, we should be tolerant and accepting of all others.  That simply is not true.  God is not tolerant.  He is merciful.  Am I better than gay people?  Nope.  Do I have a different after-life path? Probably.  We all sin.  All sin is the same in God's eyes.  Our goal is to strive not to sin.  Our job as a Christian is to repent of our sin and try not to repeat it.  Homosexuals are blatently displaying their sins to the world.  Are they going to Heaven or hell when they die?  That's between them and God.  As a Christian, when I sin, I certainly don't feel good about it.  So, if you are going to sin day in and day out without trying to change, I don't feel like you are a child of God.  I don't think you are saved.  Could you be saved and still living like that? Yes, but it's not likely, but again, that is between them & God. 
I just get so angry that it seems the media is singling out Phil for this.  How about when Bill Clinton was "not having sexual relations" in the Whitehouse?  He should have been impeached for his terrible behavior, but nothing happened.  There are so many other things going on in our country right now, and this is the headline news?  Sad.

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