Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Ebola - Obama's new BFF

I sit watching the news and don't even have words.  I do not believe that Obama is the antichrist.  But I do believe he runs a close second.  The only thing worse than having him for president is having him step down and letting Joe Biden step up.  He picked his running mate wisely, didn't he?  So, let us all welcome the Ebola virus into the United States, just like we have welcomed illegal immigrants, muslims, and various assorted terrorists.  Let's just bring all the evil we can find in the outlying countries right here into our lap.
I am not a politician.  I am not a scholar.  I am not a doctor, nor a scientist.  I am an average person.  I work my buns off just to pay my bills, and sometimes that's not enough.  I pay my taxes.  I try to always do what is right and honest and fair.  I am not a moron.  I am not stupid.  Why is it that my vote for president didn't count (too bad I don't happen to be an electoral vote)?  Why is it that our elected government officials use our hard-earned tax dollars so stupidly and frivilously?  I am NOT ok with this.  And yet, there is not one darn thing I can do about it.  I could withhold my taxes and bury my money in a coffee can, but the mere pittance I bring home would never be noticed in Washington.

So, that being said, why on earth are we bringing the Ebola virus here?  And why are we allowing millions of people to fly each day, sitting in close quarters with others who may have the virus?  I am afraid to go to the grocery store.  They say it can only be spread by direct contact with bodily fluids, but what exactly does that mean?  Isn't the spit that comes from your mouth when you sneeze a bodily fluid?  Did you sit next to someone with the virus and then come home and buy groceries at the same store I did, and sneeze on the cart I used?  How is it the CDC has all this knowledge about the Ebola virus, a virus so deadly that we only had a handful of doses of medication for it?  I don't get it.  I don't understand why there isn't one person in a position of power with an ounce of common sense.  How do they know that 21 days is just enough to ensure you don't have this virus? If, in fact, 21 days is the magic number, then how about this:  For 21 days, NO ONE flies.  For 21 days, NO ONE leaves or enters our country. If you are a medical person treating others in another country, there should be TWO quarantine periods. One at the border of the country you are in, and one at the border of the U.S.  Then, you can enter.

And to the nurse who thinks her rights were violated, boo hoo!  You are violating my right to go to the grocery store without having a sanitizing conniption after I leave the store.  You signed up to be a nurse, knowing you would be exposed to germs and viruses, and you CHOSE to go and be directly exposed to this virus.  So you sort of compromised your civil rights by those choices.  Stay in the darn quarantine as many days as it takes to know you are not sick.  Wouldn't you feel badly if they let you go home and you infected your entire family?  Quit being a weiner!

I believe Obama is allowing this to happen to throw the chaos and disdain in a direction other than himself.  For a brief time, his praise of muslims was not the top story in the news.  I have never known anyone LESS patriotic.  I used to be proud to be an American.  Obama, you have managed to disgrace us all.  Shame on you!

And to those of you who say I am being predjudiced against muslims, you bet your booty I am!  If I am not mistaken, the muslim religion is not a religion of peace.  It is a religion of violence.  The koran says if you are not a muslim, you are an infidel, and infidels must be killed.  And of course, the ultimate "reward" is if you, yourself die carrying out your religion.  We are a Christian nation, who, until the last several years, was a nation blessed by God and protected by God.  Our illustrious potentates have managed to remove God's hand from our country, finger by finger. Congratulations!  I hope on the day you stand before God and receive his judgment for all your actions, or lack thereof, you are forced to remember and relive all the tragedy you have caused. What a sad, sad state of affairs our once-great country is in!

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