Tuesday, February 17, 2015

What if America took care of America?

I keep seeing these horrific photos and videos of ISIS and all the terrible things they are doing to innocent people.  Right now, we have marines that are slowly being surrounded by ISIS and what are we doing about it?  Having a hearing or some nonsense meeting about it.  Do we have no one in charge?  Does no one make decisions anymore?  I am not a politician, nor am I a military person.  But this whole thing makes no sense whatsoever.  Why do we not either bring our Americans home and let these other countries destroy themselves, or get over there and show our power?  ISIS has enough intelligence to infiltrate the United States, but we don't have enough sense to infiltrate them? If I stand on the street corner and say the word "bomb" there would be federal agents wanting to talk to me within minutes.  Yet we continue to wonder around like imbeciles while this terrorist group picks off people, one by one.  Even in Vietnam we had recon and had knowledge of where our enemies were.  Why don't we know where ISIS is?  And if we do, why are we doing nothing?  These countries have had unrest for years and years, and I don't expect we will create peace in any of them.  Why don't we just bring our people home and worry about securing America?  I can't help but feel if Ronald Regan were in office these problems wouldn't have escalated to where they are now.  And with or without the United Nations approval, we would have made a clear statement to these other countries.  There is nothing wrong with being a super-power, as we once were, as long as it exists to right wrongs and is not abused. 
It is terribly sad that innocent people are being tortured and killed.  And if we CAN do something about it, let's do it.  If not, let's send our condolences and move on.  Secure our borders.  If you are of middle-eastern descent, and you think we are profiling you, sorry.  We need some kind of system to provide those people who have been researched and checked with documentation that says they are not a member of ISIS.  The same idea as "green cards" for immigrants.  We need to deport everyone who is not a citizen.  No exceptions.  This doesn't need to be forever, just until we get our own country somewhat secure.  We need more stringent rules for allowing people to enter our country.  And if you want to join up with ISIS, how about we pay your airline ticket to send you to their headquarters?  I can't imagine wanting to be part of that, but if you think it's the life you always dreamed of, then head on out.  And wouldn't being a member of a terrorist group be considered treason? There should be stiff penalties if you are a US citizen and it is confirmed you have joined up with the enemy.  And by "stiff", I mean death.  Get that speedy trial you are entitled to and zoom on over to the execution chamber.
I guess I just don't see why it is so difficult to do something.  Anything.  With google earth, I can zoom in on my house.  Why can't we seem to find these guys until after they have had a mass beheading?  I feel like the best interest of America is not what is in the heart of our leader.  Seems we should be way less worried about being politically correct and more worried about protecting the United States, at any cost.
...more later...

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