Thursday, June 18, 2015

Murder Mystery In Your Own Back Yard

I watched the latest news this morning on the Blancharde murder in Springfield, Missouri.  I am amazed at the details that continue to unfold here.  Supposedly, this mother and daughter have managed to deceive a host of people for several years, faking that they were Hurricane Katrina victims, and faking that the daughter had a variety of illnesses over the years.  Accepting money and gifts in the name of charity while nothing was wrong.  I guess I just don't understand how this is possible.  Wouldn't a neighbor have noticed something odd at some point? Wouldn't someone who provided them a flight to a hospital have noticed where they went? Wouldn't a doctor have said, "There's nothing wrong with you."?  I don't get it.
And according to the news reports, both the daughter and her boyfriend admitted that they killed the mother.  Obviously, there's something wrong mentally with someone who can do that, but I expect they will both claim insanity and some whack-o doctor will confirm they are too unstable to stand a trial.  But they were smart enough to commit the crime, mail the weapon to another state to hide it, and run away after the fact.  I feel like due to the fact that there is proof that they committed the crime, and they have both admitted to it, they should get that speedy trial guaranteed by our constitution and be put to death.  I do not wish to spend my tax dollars housing them for years while some hot-shot attorney files appeal after appeal and extension after extension on their trial.  I understand the rules put in place for our judicial system, to ensure that everyone gets their chance to tell their story.  But when the story is "I did it", what more do you need? 
Kind of the same deal when a crazed gunman enters a crowded building and shoots several people and the survivors all identify him.  There should be no question as to the "guilt" or "innocence".  The instant that person committed a heinous crime, they gave up their rights.  Whether they knew the consequences shouldn't matter.  And even if they are "mentally unstable" (which they obviously were or they couldn't have committed such a crime) do we want them excused from their crime and turned back out into society?  I certainly don't. 
And how sad that this fraud will undoubtedly put a damper on those that regularly donate to charities, with those people also wondering how a legitimate charity can give money so freely to someone who doesn't even need or deserve it. 
What is this world coming to?

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