Friday, October 2, 2015

Stricter Gun Laws? Really?

Another senseless shooting by another disturbed person. This time at a college in Oregon.  Same scenario, different day.  And Obama says we need stricter gun laws.

I feel that most people who reach the point of deciding to shoot random people don't care about gun laws.  They obviously care about nothing, and certainly not about anyone else's life.  So, what kind of stricter gun laws should we have?  Maybe if we limit to one gun per person, that would keep crazed people from shooting others.  Or maybe if we banned all guns the mentally unbalanced would never think to obtain one from the black market.  Why don't we just ban all knives, too?  They are used for killing people.  And we should probably ban automobiles. That way people who drink and drive wouldn't be able to kill people with their vehicles.  And airplanes.  You know, airplanes crash, sometimes with terrorists on board.  They should definitely be banned, too.  Oh, yea, rope as well.  I know for a fact people have been strangled to death with ropes.  Sorry, all you cowboys, no more lassos for you!

What a bunch of nonsense!  First, if every law-abiding citizen was armed with a weapon, I believe would-be robbers, rapists and murderers might think twice.  Second, let's enforce the laws we already have.  Let's up the ante.  If you commit a violent crime with a gun, it should be a federal offense, with a minimum 20 year prison sentence - no parole and no early release.  This would deter the repeat offenders who know they will get nothing but a slap on the wrist and maybe a few months in a local jail.

And as for the crazed maniacs, gun control and stricter enforcement of existing laws won't make a difference.  Most are willing to trade their life at the time of their actions.  I do, however, feel that the media publicizes it so much that is plants ideas into the minds of other disturbed persons.  Especially if they feel like they have a "cause".  And with all our great technology, people are at liberty to investigate and peruse things in the privacy of their home until they are ready to pounce.  And as I have said before, whatever is in these people's minds is learned.  Babies aren't born with a desire to randomly shoot people.  These feelings and ideas are the results of their lives and environment.  I suspect they were shy or geeky in school, maybe they were bullied or made fun of - I don't know.  But our job as parents is to teach our kids to cope with reality.  And the reality is, not everyone is nice to you.  And not every kid is the star athlete of the high school.  Regardless of our station in life, we must learn to co-exist with others.  And we must teach our children empathy from a young age.  And responsibility for our actions.

I have personally known a few people with the same mindset as these shooters.  ALL of these people think their whole life is someone else's fault.  They keep records of all the hurts people have done to them.  They play the role of the victim.  And their parents NEVER make them believe they are in charge of their own life, or that they have the power to change.  They usually coddle them and discuss how unfair others are.  News flash!:  sometimes in life, you just have to suck it up and move forward.  So what if people say hurtful things?  The only thing you can control is how you react, not how others behave.  I realize we can't always hold parents accountable for their children's actions, but I wish there were a way to make parents realize how they can help their children instead of promote life-long detriments to them.

And my final question - Why can't American citizens own guns, but radical terrorists are sent millions of dollars to amp up their nuclear weapons?  It is just me, or is there something wrong with this picture?

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