Friday, September 25, 2015

Americans Don't Want a Muslim Holiday

I have been following a facebook post by the Tea Party regarding the muslim women who wanted a Jersey City school board to declare a day off for a muslim holiday.  The only thing that comes to mind is "Redneck"!  Of course, I am a redneck, so I can use this label freely!

Nearly every comment is for the muslims to go home if they don't like it here in America.  And I agree!  These same women who are supposedly of the muslim faith, and shouting at a school board meeting.  Aren't muslim women not allowed to speak in public?  How can you follow that faith, but only pick and choose what you abide by?

This is the land of freedom and opportunity.  If you are muslim and came to America legally, and wish to observe this religion, that's your right.  But you aren't simply wanting to observe a faith and culture that is foreign to America and all that America stands for.  You are wanting all of America to celebrate it with you.  Not gonna happen!

We Americans are a funny people.  We are divided by race and religion, political affiliation and economic status.  But when you push us into a corner, all those things fall by the wayside and we are just plain Americans.  Patriotic Americans.  Americans who are willing to put our differences aside and unite for a cause. And the majority of us are redneck Americans.  Rednecks who aren't afraid to stand their ground for what they believe is right and good and fair.  Rednecks who are willing to pack their pistols and rifles and meet you wherever you want to defend this nation of ours. 

As I have followed this post and all the comments made, in the beginning, there were random interjections by muslim people, but the "go home" comments far outweigh those. 

Our fathers and grandfathers and brothers and sisters have fought and died to preserve what we have.  And if you think you're going to step in and take that away, you've got another thing coming.  We love our country, unlike you.  We don't want to live anywhere else in the world besides here.  And most of us are willing to fight to keep it that way.  So if you want to immigrate here legally and work and pay taxes like the rest of us, fine.  If you want to be muslim, fine.  But do it without trying to infringe on what has taken generations to create.  If you are so offended by America and it's customs, I am sure we can arrange some people who will gladly pay your airline ticket back home.

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