Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Obama, The Movie Star

Our illustrious potentate continues to amaze me!  At a time when our nation is in total chaos, our president leaves the White house to appear with Bear Grylls in Alaska?  Makes me think of that youtube video with the sedated kid who asks, "Is this real life?"

And why is he renaming a mountain?  First, who cares?  Second, can he really do that?  Wasn't Mt. Mckinley named after a president?  And our president is concerned about global warming and climate change, but Christians getting beheaded and selling aborted baby parts just don't rate high enough?  I don't get it.

Is global warming real?  I personally don't know what I think about that.  I'm not saying landscapes aren't changing, but hasn't our earth changed many times?  And if you want to talk about global warming, wait until the Rapture occurs and God destroys the earth with fire.  THAT is global warming.

We have white policemen who are afraid to do their jobs, especially if it involves a black criminal.  We have black people chanting to burn cops and calling them "pigs".  Does that same freedom of speech mean the policemen can gather in the streets and shout "Nail the Niggers"? Fair is fair, after all.  We have people of all cultures and races who formerly lived and worked together, now harboring racial tension, all due to our president, I believe.  Our rights to "assemble" and protest is now the right to loot and burn down neighborhoods.  How can all this be happening in modern-day America?

We deny our veterans medical care, yet offer immunity and free health care to illegal immigrants.  We let our American children go to bed hungry in a cardboard box, yet send millions to third-world countries who hate our guts.

And in the midst of all this, our president goes on a hike with a reality show star?

I guess I would liken this to when a "loved one" (remember that term) is gravely ill.  In the hospital, near death. Don't we sit by their side, hold their hand and try to ease their pain?  Try to give them some hope or comfort?  Any president worth ANYTHING would see our current situation as one that required an all-night vigil until things were better.  Of course, that would be, if our president "loved" America and valued it...

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