Thursday, September 10, 2015

Obama Thinks Ordinary People Are Small Minded

Here is the link to this entire speech, made by Obama to Europeans about Russia.  He states ..."ordinary men and women are too small-minded to govern their own affairs..."

Ok, so he was talking about Russians, but really?  I think I am ordinary, as well.  And I don't believe I am too "small-minded" to govern my own affairs.  As a matter of fact, I would challenge the president to a fast-paced game of Boggle, and I'll bet I would win!

Whether you are talking about Russians, Americans, or anyone else for that matter, the fact that he thinks all individuals should surrender their thinking and actions to a "sovereign entity" sounds like....ummmm... Hitler, maybe?

Obama has disgraced our country time and time again.  He has tried to squelch every law-abiding citizen while giving countless benefits to illegal immigrants.  He lets American children go hungry at night while he funnels billions to countries who want to destroy us.  He has made countless "executive orders"  that I swear are unconstitutional.  He has bowed to foreign religious leaders while refusing to salute our American flag. He forces middle-class people to work like dogs, and then taxes them beyond the breaking point for stupid healthcare and welfare.

I   HAVE    HAD   ENOUGH!!!!

Why has he not been impeached?  He has violated his agreement with the American people.  He has forgotten (or maybe he knew it all along) that he was elected to SERVE the American people.  To REPRESENT the American people.  To HELP the American people.  The president's office is for the sole purpose of making sure our constitutional laws are faithfully carried out.  I don't believe he is free to pick and choose which laws are enforced. 

He is making a deal with Iran that will eventually destroy this country as we know it.  Does he think HE will be exempted from death and torture by muslims?  Not a chance.  They have no value of the human life.  Will he still feel good about this deal if his daughters are forced to marry a 50-year old muslim who has 10 wives?  What about if his wife is on a plane that is flown into an American building, in honor of Allah, of course?

He is quickly advancing persecution of Christians.  Everyone has "civil rights", except for straight, white, Christians.

So, whether he was speaking to Russians in his speech, it reflects his thoughts about people in general.  Apparently he believes we are all morons.  I am sorry, but he should check the mirror once in a while.  I want him out of office.  I want him impeached. Shame on Obama for not being a patriotic American and putting the needs of the people at the top of the list.  When we stand before God on that final judgment day, I believe he will ask for mercy and find none.

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