Thursday, September 3, 2015

...And the Persecution of Christians Begins...

I see they have taken Kim Davis into custody for refusing to issue marriage licenses to homosexual couples.

I just don't know what to think. From what I have researched, the federal government has left whether or not to recognize gay marriage up to the individual states.  And I believe the state of Kentucky has determined that union to only be between a man and a woman.  I know the supreme court handed down a "ruling" about gay marriage, but I don't believe that superscedes the states' laws currently in place. And last time I checked, the supreme court didn't have the capacity to enact or change laws - only to make rulings and judgments on laws already in place.

And I believe the judge that took her into custody warned her deputies in her office not to refuse, or they would suffer the same fate.  I thought the deputies couldn't conduct business if the clerk were no longer "acting".  

I agree with her stance, and were I in her shoes, I probably would have done the same thing. I also think if I were a gay couple, I would just go to another county and be done with it.  But that never seems to be the path gay people take. 

I suppose her county could impeach her, but I am sure that is a lengthy process.  I do, however, wonder what would happen if all others in that county's elected positions who shared her views walked out in protest.  I saw the chaos on the news of the nasty people shouting in her face in her office. I am pretty sure if I showed up at my courthouse acting like that, I would be taken to jail. Why is it OK for them to be loud and out of control in the courthouse, but she is the only one charged and taken to jail?

And while this is making headlines, Hillary Clinton, who may end up being indicted for jeopardizing our national security, and who plainly lied about Benghazi, is being allowed to campaign for president?  I guess if you know the right people, you really are above the law.

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