Friday, September 11, 2015

911 May We Never Forget

I remember it clearly.  My husband and I were up getting ready for work as news broke of a plane crashing the Twin Towers.  We stood there watching, wondering just how something could have gone so wrong. Surely the plane lost power or something to cause the pilot to lose total control and crash right into a building.  How wrong we were.

As the second plane crashed into the buildings, it was now apparent, this was no accident. Silence.  Silence all over the country as citizens stood by watching breaking news reports. No explanations, nothing logical, only silence.

Looking back, we have certainly changed over these 14 years. Our country, on that day stood together as AMERICANS.  Not black or white; not baptist or catholic; not male or female.  Just Americans. Patriotic Americans.  Americans who were appalled at these horrific terrorists.  Americans who were angry and ready to hop on a plane and do some hand-to-hand combat with these terrorists. Americans who were astounded that anyone had the audacity to do this.  Americans who joined together to search for survivors and to help those they found.  Americans willing to leave the comfort of their homes and volunteer whatever assistance was needed.

Times have changed by leaps and bounds since then.  Now these same Americans are afraid to offend the muslims. Afraid to stand up for what they believe in.  Worried about being politically correct.  Standing by while our Americans are publicly beheaded. Our country has become divided by race, religion and culture. We have lost that sense of comradery with our fellow Americans.  I fear we have forgotten that feeling of unity, anger and tragedy that occurred on 9/11.  How sad that our country seems to be falling apart by this divisiveness.

May we continually be reminded of those true Americans who sacrificed their lives to come to the assistance of those injured in this tragedy. And may we never forget that patriotic spirit that coursed through America's veins that day.

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