Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Indecent Exposure vs. Free The Nipple

In a town not to far from me, there has been some recent controversy over a "free the nipple" rally.  It is my understanding this is promoted by women who want gender equality. 

I guess my first question is, "Why?"  Why do you want gender equality?  I don't.  I want men to open the door for me.  I want men to protect me.  If God wanted gender equality, we would all have been the same gender.  Men and women were made different for a reason.  We each come with our own unique qualities.

Men were made to be logical thinkers.  Their bodies are made to be more muscular in preparation for physical work.  They are wired to be the "hunter", the "protector",  the "master".  Women are emotional thinkers.  Women's bodies are made for childbearing. Women were not designed to work in the same capacity as men.  Women are the "caretakers", the "nurturers".

And as to the "nipples", as far as I know the sight of a man's nipple doesn't stimulate women.  But the sight of a woman's nipple DOES stimulate men. So, why do all you women want to expose yourself?  Some say to promote public breastfeeding.  Maybe I am from the old school, but there is such a thing as modesty.  I breastfed both my kids, but never in public.  Some things are meant to be private, and I believe that is one of them. 

It's kind of like sex.  It is meant to be shared between a husband and a wife - in the privacy of their home.  Not in front of children.  Not in front of an audience.  Not for display. 

Why on earth anyone would want to parade around naked is beyond me. There are things I don't want small children to see, and that's one of them.  And like or not, there are plenty of weirdos out there, and whatever your reason to display your nipples, they are taking note.

And if one of these women were my child, I would have given a long lecture at the very least!  Shame on you.  Grow up and put some clothes one!

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