Monday, September 21, 2015

Kill the Infidels!

I continue to be in a bit of a quandry about the muslim religion.

If I go by what I hear on the news, there are two types of muslims:  Peaceful ones and Radical ones.  So do those two groups have different quran's?  If I understand correctly, the quran teaches to be peaceful, like God, but it also teaches that if you are not muslim, you are an infidel, and must be killed. How can muslims claim they are a peaceful people if they abide by this command in the quran?

So, the great "allah" teaches two different things in the same book?  And I believe the "muslims" think all Christians are evil and must be removed.  So, doesn't it stand to reason if there are "peaceful" muslims and "radical" muslims, then there could also be "evil" Christians and "good" Christians?  And why are we expected to be tolerant and accepting of the muslim religion, but they are not expected to be tolerant and accepting of Christians?  If you moved here and are offended and don't like this culture, go home.  Why do they come here, knowing our laws and cultural beliefs, and then claim offense to what goes on here?  I feel for the lady who shared the political cartoon asking why they came here if they are offended by everything we do.  Why did they come here?  If I moved to China, I would not feel as though I had the right to immediately claim that their customs offended me.  I would assume I would have to fit in to their existing cultures - otherwise, I would stay where I was.

Our nation of largely-Christian people has been tolerant until we are now the  minority and the least defended in a court of law.  If you are muslim, and you buy land, you buy it as-is. The fact that you don't do pork should not give you the right to demand your neighbor's pig farm be shut down.  And if you are of the muslim faith and came to America legally and became a citizen, then you are an American.  NOT a muslim American.  I feel muslims should be allowed to worship however they choose, but not if it infringes on my rights.  And how many muslims have headed up organizations like "Feed The Children"  or "Red Cross"?  We as Americans, and we as Christians have tried to do our part to be productive not only to our country, but to come to the aid of other countries when we are able. If you want to be an accepted, participatory American, then do something to give back. 

So, I guess the question really is, "Why did you come here?"  If you disagree with our customs and culture, what would make you want to come here and be a member of our country?

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