Friday, August 28, 2015

Teaching Life Skills

As I have grown older, I have noticed that this up and coming generation has few, if any, "life skills".  I have decided if I ever get the chance, I would love to teach a life skills class at our local vo-tech school.
As a business owner, I am amazed at the young people who come in and have trouble with basic communication, and some who walk in with a checkbook and have no idea how to write a check.
I see these kids come in to "apply" for a job, and they have no idea what applying for a job entails, or how your attitude and appearance affects your ability to get a job.
They don't know a thing about balancing a checkbook.  They have trouble following simple directions.  They can't count money or make change.
I am not sure how this generation has missed what we all considered "basic" knowledge, but it's missing, for sure.
When my kids were small, we gave them life lessons as we lived.  We played games that required counting money. Games that taught strategy, as well as learning that not everyone wins every time.  Sometimes you lose, and that's OK.
We taught them respect for authority, and respect for others.  They learned the hard way that being honest has tangible rewards, and being dishonest affects you for a long time.
I worked "on the side" doing taxes and bookkeeping.  They learned that sometimes you have to work extra hard to make ends meet.  They also got periodic lectures about how taxes work.
They learned patience, while enduring many lectures about character and integrity (complete with eye-rolling).
One child, who shall remain nameless, learned that when mom and dad find out you had a party while they were out of town, your friends' parents get a phone call telling them all about it.  And you have to go apologize to their parents.
Personal responsibility has been lost somewhere.  Everything is not only "not my fault", but apparently there are no longer any accidents - SOMEONE is to blame and SOMEONE will pay for whatever has happened.
I am not sure what the answer is, but someone, somewhere, sometime needs to enlighten our children to the way life should work, in every aspect of their lives - physically, emotionally, spiritually, etc.

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