Monday, August 24, 2015

Do Black Lives Matter?

Just heard on the news that someone has written a text book regarding "Black Lives Matter".  Umm, so do white, Indian, Asian, etc lives NOT matter?
I am pretty sure if we wrote a book called "White lives matter" is would be considered racist and discriminatory.
How about this for a title - "Lives Matter"?  Lives of all matter.  Lives of the unborn matter.  I feel like Obama has stirred the race pot so much that racial tension is at an all-time high right now. I don't think any life is more precious than another.  And in America, of all places - the melting pot of the world.  The United States has so many races and cultures, and we have all managed to live together for many years. Now, all of a sudden, we are back to playing the race card around every turn of events. 
I live in a predominantly white town.  But our town has many other races who live here - black, Indian, Asian, Mexican, etc. As far as I know, we are all the same.  We all need to work, buy groceries, go to church, read books at the library, have backyard barbecues, etc.  We all eat supper.  We all go to bed at night.  We all want to be successful in our lives. 

Why, in this day, would someone write a book, and a textbook at that, that they wanted to be taught in schools?  History is history. It needs to be taught to everyone. When I was in school, we learned about how America was formed, the Civil War, how black people who originated as slaves came here and were eventually made free.  That's history - the facts.  We were taught sympathy and compassion for all races.  Is this no longer taught in our schools? We learned of Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King.  We learned about determination and persistence and how we all have the opportunity to live successful lives, and improve our station in life if we so choose.

I hate that policemen are now accused of being racist just for doing their jobs.  But the racism seems to be only one way.  If a black policeman shoots a white thug while he is robbing a store, it is rarely publicized.  And I have yet to see white people burn down their local stores in protest. 

In today's world, no one owes you anything.  If you want money, get a job.  If you want a better job, get an education.  If you want new clothes, save your money and buy them. If you aren't happy with your life, change it.  Don't blame someone else and act like you are "entitled" to something just because you are black, white, or any other color.  If you committed a crime, fess up and take your punishment, and don't do it again. 

Yes, black lives do matter.  But most definitely, they don't matter more than any other color!

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