Monday, August 10, 2015

ANOTHER Ferguson Shooting?!!

As my mother has said many times, "Criminitlies!"  I'm not even sure that's a word or of it's meaning if it is, but she always used it during times of disappointment and exasperation.

What on earth are those people doing there?  More smashing storefronts and rioting?  I have always though a "protest" was a way to make your voice heard in a calm, peaceful manner, so that the governing bodies could see that you were against (or in favor of) something.  I have never known of a violent riot resulting in getting your point across.  And why would you want to destroy businesses where you live?  These are black people, and they are destroying black-owned businesses.  How is this a good thing?

And this particular person in this latest shooting shot at a vehicle containing policemen.  Why would anyone do that?  What did he hope to prove?  And if that wasn't dumb enough, his father was quoted as saying he was "just running for his life".  Well, duh!  You shoot at a car full of policemen who begin shooting back, what else are you going to do but run for your life?

And why were those people gathered anyway?  They already made their point a year ago.  Of course I don't know if they realize it or not, but the point they made was they were mad, so they destroyed property of people who owned businesses and lived in Ferguson. Still not sure of what was productive about that.


Michael Brown was nothing but a street thug.  He robbed a store, for Pete's sake!  Had he NOT been committing a crime, he would never have been pursued for questioning, and HAD he surrendered upon the FIRST request of the officers, he would not have been shot.  And if he had a JOB, he would have been otherwise occupied on that day. 

I will never understand this. If I bump into you at the store, church, on the street, or anywhere else, I will be polite and treat you respectfully, regardless of your color, religion, etc.  But if you are trying to hurt me or my family, rob me, or kill me, better bring your lunch - might be an all-day job.  Again, doesn't matter what color your skin is - I will defend myself and my family however I can, and if that means shooting you, then so be it. 

Why don't these people stop being "black" and start being "American".  Do something productive.  Give of yourself.  Be responsible!

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