Friday, August 21, 2015

Ashley Madison - Not for Sissies!

Oh, my child...Your sins will find you out!!!
Isn't this most outrageous?!

First, I had no idea there was a site just for cheaters.(I know, I live in a sheltered world.) And all those sneaky people thought their doings were hidden from everyone! I have heard it said before - if it's on the internet, it's pretty much public knowledge.  I believe this perfectly demonstrates that!

Cheaters never win and winners never cheat!  Although it's their business if they want to cheat on their spouse, it becomes MY business when MY tax dollars are paying government employee salaries who peruse this site on their paid working time.  I believe that anyone who currently works for our government and has an account with Ashley Madison, AND if it can be proven that they accessed that site while on the time clock for work, they should be fired.  NO EXCEPTIONS. 

If they are cheating on their spouse, what makes you think they aren't cheating on their job as well?  Obviously some are cheating Uncle Sam out of payroll dollars by doing it while working.  In my book, if you are dishonest at one thing, you are probably dishonest at EVERYTHING.  I wouldn't want them working for me.

My mother's quote comes to mind: "Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!

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