Wednesday, August 12, 2015

What Is Religion, Anyway?

In the midst of the turmoil in our country right now, it seems religion comes into play more often than not.  The people who aren't "religious" want freedom from religion.  I, too want freedom from religion. I want to be able to worship, or not worship, whatever I choose.  And I want to be able to worship AS I choose.
The radical groups continue to speak of "Separation of church and state". But to say that religion has no place in government is a little hard to do.  Our governing laws (or most of them) mimic the Biblical laws set forth by Almighty God.  No killing.  No stealing.  Don't lie.  When the original separation of church and state came into play, it was to prevent the government from telling you what religion you had to be.
Our first amendment rights allow Americans to be whatever religion they choose, or no religion at all, if they choose that.  To my knowledge, that is still in force today.  So why the big uproar?  If you don't believe in God, that's your choice.  And IF you don't believe in God, why do you care what others believe in?  God commands Christians to love and have compassion on others, to show mercy and grace to people who don't deserve it, just like God showed mercy and grace to us when we don't deserve it.  If you are charged with a crime, whether you are guilty or not, don't you hope for the deciding judge to show you mercy and grace? Whether you deserve it or not?
As Christians, we have never tried to force non-believers to believe.  Our hope is that through what you see in our lives that we might be an example of God's love and compassion, and persuade you to not just believe in God, but know God in a personal way.  But if you still choose not to believe, that is totally your choice. However, you do not have the right to infringe on MY religious beliefs.  If I want to hold to my convictions, based on what the Bible says, I should have that right. That should include being able to display religious signs and sayings at my home, my business, my vehicle, etc.  The fact that a local Sheriff's vehicle says "In God We Trust" isn't a bad thing.  It means to me that as a whole, the department is God-fearing, doing their jobs as required, but with all the kindness and compassion possible.  If they had a sticker that said "in satan we trust", I would be fearful of them.
I don't understand why it's not enough that you are free to be an atheist, a catholic, a baptist, etc.

So, here's my question:  If, at the end of my life and you non-believers' lives, one or the other of us is wrong, what's the worst case scenario?
If I am wrong, then I have lived my whole life striving to be good, honest, fair, kind, generous, and at the very end, my heart stops beating and my body lies silent in the earth. That's it - the end.
If you are wrong, you face a much darker fate.  According to what I believe, as foretold in the Bible, those who reject God will stand before Him on the day they die, in judgement for the unpardonable sin, which is rejecting God.  The Bible says, "Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord".  So, I believe, that whether you believe or not, one day you will know that God is real, and on that day it will be too late for you.  The Bible says you will be cast into an eternal lake of fire, literal fire, where you will continuously be burned over and over and over.  That unimaginable pain and torment will be eternal.

Religion, or no religion, I choose God.

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