Thursday, August 20, 2015

Immigrants, Aliens, or Moochers?

I heard on the news this morning that Mexico is trying to put into place a deal where if you would like to cross into their country, you fill out appropriate paperwork and pay them  a $20 fee.
Say what?????

So, while we are desperately trying to control our border, and while hundreds of illegal Mexicans cross into the United States DAILY, and then pop out babies and receive FREE healthcare and a host of other benefits, Mexico is putting controls into place for Americans crossing into their country?

What's wrong with this picture?

First, I feel like we have much more capability of technology and organization than they do.  Would we not be more able to control crossovers than they are?  And suppose we imposed a $20 per head fee to all who wish to enter the US.  From ANY border. 

I am for "The Wall" Donald Trump speaks of.  When are we going to stop taking care of everyone EXCEPT Americans? It's basic common sense. You take care of your house before you take on the world.  And every country knows America is where you just show up.  People take our jobs illegally.  People get free healthcare illegally, while Americans can't afford it.  They pay no taxes.

How is this called "being compassionate" when our own are suffering so?

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