Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Planned Parenthood - To Fund or Not To Fund

The democrats have definitely made their mark these last few years, but this Planned Parenthood thing is utterly ridiculous!
Our local Pregnancy Crisis Center is funded by donations.  They do not harm mothers or babies.  They promote GOOD.  They help pregnant women, regardless of their race, religion, or lifestyle.  They counsel them.  They provide multiple options for dealing with pregnancy, all of which promote LIFE to baby and mother.  They give them a place to stay if needed.  They provide vitamins, tests, diapers, formula, etc. They do all this through fund-raising.
Planned Parenthood promotes abortions.  They kill babies.  They mutilate babies.  They sell baby parts.  Their executives are getting rich from this horrific trauma. They cause lifetime emotional distress for women. They have no empathy or sympathy for expectant mothers.  They promote nothing that is good or having a positive impact on the lives of women.

So, is it just me, or is this a no-brainer?  If you are going to spend my tax dollars, then I should get to vote as to where they go. And if Planned Parenthood is such a wonderful institution, let them fund-raise.  Let them do their business solely on the donations of others.  See how many people would like to donate to their cause.  If our government is going to funnel money to them, then shoot some to the Pregnancy Crisis Centers as well.  Sending it only to Planned Parenthood is most definitely DISCRIMINATION!  And in our day of political correctness, we just can't have anything one-sided any more.

Oh, yeah, forgot to mention that Planned Parenthood OFFENDS ME! And as we all know, if we are offended by something, it MUST be removed! 

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