Thursday, July 30, 2015

The Lion or The Lamb?

So, a dentist killed a lion.  Cecil the lion.  Famous Cecil the lion. Famous Cecil the lion, a major tourist attraction.
Social media has erupted in outrage.  A petition has been sent to the White House to have this man extradited for allegedly illegally killing this lion.  And the White House has agreed to review this petition and make some determination on it.  In the past three years, our government has made over 30 arrests for the illegal trade of rhino horns.

This same White House contains a government that deems it necessary to funnel thousands of dollars to Planned Parenthood for the brutal and gruesome murder of babies. An organization, who we now know, harvests baby parts to sell to the highest bidder.  An organization whose upper-management discusses those sales like they were selling auto parts.  Now, I am all for enforcing the laws, and having reasonable, responsible hunting laws.  But I guess I'm weird - seems to me that humans far outweigh animals on the scale of what's OK to kill and what's not.

How on earth can you say a "fetus" is not a baby?  If that is true, then how can they specifically harvest hearts, or livers? 

And isn't this same government, that funds Planned Parenthood and all their nightmarish efforts, the same government that has a law that says if you kill a pregnant woman, you will be charged with two murders?  What's wrong with this picture?  And the same government that can charge a mother with child abuse or neglect if she chooses to drink and use drugs while pregnant, thereby producing an addicted baby at birth? 

If you're going to have a law, at least have the same law across the board! 

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