Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Confederate Flag - Myth or Fact?

I suppose the fact that I was not alive when slavery was active in the United States makes me have little understanding about this new controversy.  But, I just don't get it. 
The best I understand, what we now refer to as the "Confederate Flag" was originally designed by William Porcher Miles, Chairman of the Flag and Seals Committee.  It was proposed to be used as our national flag, but was instead chosen as a battle flag by the Army of North Virginia under General Robert E. Lee.  This is not the same flag some refer to as a "rebel flag".
So this flag has been in existence for some 150 years, and has been displayed by a number of both public and private sectors all the while.  What happened in the last few weeks that made this particular flag such a big deal?  I wonder if the people who are raising a stink about this know that it was created by the democrats. The party of our president in office right now. The party who fought and lost lives to keep slavery.  The party who believes in the government "providing" for the people, and thus, controlling the people. 
Like it or not, it is part of the history of these United States.  It has been displayed in various places for many years.  Today it is offensive? Why wasn't it offensive in the 50's, 60's or 70's? 
I'll tell you what offends me.  The NAACP.  The ACLU.  The United Negro College Fund.  It offended me many years ago, and still does today.  Think they will dissolve because I am offended?  Doubt it. How does one get something removed for being offensive?  I have been offended by many TVshows and movies, but so far, haven't found anyone who cares. 
I have said this before, but slavery is part of our history.  It was not pleasant.  I am sorry for those who had to endure.  But no one alive right now has any first-hand knowledge of that.  I do not wish to resume the practice of slavery of black people, as I feel it is unjust.  But all those who are making a big deal about this, do you realize the people you keep voting for are making you slaves?  And color doesn't matter any more.  We are all being forced into slavery.  Our "government" is now controlling our health care system. They are making people think they are "owed" something.  They are making them feel good about receiving welfare benefits, and making them further dependent upon the government. Our government is attempting to control our religions, which is why the United States was formed in the first place.
Wake up, people!  Our government has far overstepped their bounds in what they have control of.  Their job is to protect rights.  But those very rights are what are being slowly taken away from the American people.  When we wake up one day to realize we live in a socialist country, it will be too late to change it. 

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