Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Guns, Schmuns!

What is Obama's deal with guns?!  I have my speculations, but none of them involve keeping America protected.  Why on earth would he think U.S.citizens would give up their right to bear arms?  I realize there are people who don't like guns.  I know there are plenty of accidents involving guns.  But the crime we see that involves guns has nothing to do with that.  I seriously doubt the liquor store robber stood in line at Walmart waiting for a background check to purchase a gun. 
Didn't we make owning and using cocaine and meth illegal?  How is that working?  The dishonest, criminally-minded people WILL have guns.  Whether it's legal or not. Banning them will only produce a more lucrative job opportunity for guns to sell behind closed doors. 
And how is it that a guy, going to break into your home and rob you will be persuaded to walk the straight and narrow by the knowledge that you have no weapons?  I love those signs I've seen posted that say their neighbors are in favor of gun bans, a "directive", of sorts, to the would-be criminal.
I would not be a bit surprised if Obama declares martial law before his term is up.  This would give him authority to confiscate everyone's guns, thereby leaving them defenseless against the government, and would ensure that no other elections could be held until it was lifted.  I feel like that would spark an uprising like never before! The phrase "The South's Gonna Rise Again" comes to mind.
I live in a rural area and everyone I know owns guns.  They don't own guns so that they can slaughter people.  They are used for hunting and sport shooting.  They don't own machine guns - just rifles, shotguns and pistols.  And I don't know anyone who has killed anybody with them.  In my experience, most people who use guns for hunting have been taught from a young age about the seriousness of owning and operating a gun.  All the cautions that must be used, as well as the responsibility of using and storing a gun. 
And this latest theater shooter in Louisiana took a gun into a place that banned guns.  A place that banned guns for all, even those with conceal & carry permits.  So, he knew no one there would be armed.  So, all the law-abiding citizens who were there, NOT possessing their guns, were now in harms way.  If they had been allowed to have a weapon, maybe fewer people would have been shot.  We will never know.

When were younger, nearly every boy who drove to school had guns in his vehicle.  He may have went hunting before school, or might have been planning to go after school.  No one gave it a second thought.  And I don't remember one single time of those people using their guns to shoot someone.  Again, it all comes back to personal responsibility.  I am pretty sure if anyone had even so much as pointed a gun at another, their dad would have tanned their hide when they got home.  But now days it's so much easier to let your kids run amok and push them into activity after activity so you don't have to deal with them.  The government has made it nearly impossible to discipline your children.  I don't think Dr. Spock could have envisioned our society when he wanted to let children "express" themselves.  I personally didn't earn the right to express myself until I was an adult.  Prior to that, what I did or didn't do was a direct result of my parents - "If you don't get over there and pick that up, you're going to get a spanking." Or, "If you stay out past curfew one more time, we're taking away your car." 

Parenting is not for sissies. It is one of the hardest, yet most rewarding jobs we have.  And our children didn't "ask" to be here.  They are given to us for a short while to love and teach and train. It is a job that is exciting some days, and totally exhausting others.  Parenting is the foundation of our children's whole world.  What is right, what is wrong.  Whether they are "good enough".  Whether they are worthy of being loved. What we do sets the stage for their entire life.  Part of our job is to let them fail from time to time.  Though we want them to have a flawless childhood, that is not practical, nor does it teach them how to cope with life.  I am curious to know about the parenting of these people who raised children who murder people.  I just can't believe how you raise kids who think the world owes them something and that everyone else is to blame for their station in life.  Kids who think revenge is better than seeing that your life is what you make of it. Kids who choose to give up or give in rather than pulling up your boot straps and knowing that tomorrow will be a better day.  I don't get it...

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