Friday, July 10, 2015

Let's Sue the LGBT!!!

So, the saga continues.  A gay man is suing Bible publishers for references to homosexuality. Aren't these the SAME people who previously stated that "God loves everyone"  and "God made me this way".  So now they are acknowledging that God says it is wrong?  What is wrong with these people? 
In the beginning, they said they wanted "equal rights"  and "the right to be married".  Did they not get what they wanted?  And now that's not enough?  I am sure the LGBT has things written in their organizational and structural documents that is offensive to me.  Maybe I'll sue them for the anguish it has caused me.  I have read many things over the years that were offensive.  I have seen TV commercials that were offensive.  I have sat next to a foul-mouthed person at a football game and that was offensive to me. People have said hurtful things to me. 
When I was little and would run home to tell my mom someone did something mean to me, her response was always the same - "Then don't play with them anymore."  If what the Bible says offends you, then use your right NOT to read it!  If you don't like the fact that I disagree with your lifestyle, then DON"T ask me how I feel about it!  Be whatever it is you feel you need to be, and be grateful you live in a country where you are free to choose.  Stop stepping on MY rights to disagree with you! You want to marry the same sex? You got your wish.  It's legal.  Stop whining about every last thing and enjoy your new-found freedom. A baker doesn't want to participate in your lifestyle by declining to bake your wedding cake?  GO SOMEWHERE ELSE!  Leave them alone!  Tell all your gay friends never to go there if you wish, but leave them alone!
I disagree with other religious "books" - the quran has many things that offend me, like advising muslims that infidels must be killed.  The book of mormon has things that are offensive to me. THEREFORE, I do not study, nor abide by their teachings.  But because we live in a country where everyone has the right to believe as they wish, I don't infringe on others who observe the principles and teachings of those books.
So, to all the gay people, you have stepped on MY RIGHTS.  My right to flip through the TV channels without seeing a gay couple.  My right to disagree with your lifestyle.  My right to say I disagree with your lifestyle.  My right to refuse to serve you if I so choose, even though we have a sign that says we can refuse to serve anyone for any reason.
It's not enough that you people have screamed loud enough for enough years to get to "marry" another, but you want the world to celebrate and participate in your sin.  I am not knocking on your door begging you to go to church every Sunday and condemning your lifestyle, so why are you not satisfied with what you have? When is it enough?  We Christians know God's love is not shown or felt by shouting loudly in someone's ear, but rather by the quiet assurance and peace in your heart.  So, while you were shouting from the mountain tops about your "rights", we have been quietly and fervently praying for you, while being careful not to infringe on your "rights" to live this lifestyle.  And now you wish to trample us into the ground?  That is not acceptable to me.  And you will not quiet me.
I feel that if a Christian coalition were to be established, maybe a class action suit could be brought against the LGBT for violating the rights of Christians across the country. For stepping on my freedom of speech.  For offending my freedom of religion.  And I am pretty sure, even though we have a right to assemble, an assembly of people protesting gay people would result in arrests.  I just never cease to be amazed at what goes on in this country, and the judges who permit it.

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