Friday, July 17, 2015

CNN News Anchor Involved in Gunfight

I guess I only have one question about this attempted robbery that ended with the perpetrator being killed:


Why has no one cried out using the RACE card?  If this had been a white man robbing a black couple, I am almost certain it would have been charged as a "hate crime".  Fair is fair.  It seems every time a white cop has to kill a black person in the midst of that person committing or attempting to commit a crime, it is racist and there are riots everywhere. 

And has it occurred to anyone, besides me, that if these people weren't attempting to commit a crime, or disobeying police orders to stop, there would be no need to shoot anyone?  And if all these people who are crying for GUN control, would instead cry for CRIME control, we would all have a lot less to worry about.

Most times, the people committing crimes, as was the case with this incident, have a long rap sheet of past run-in's with the law.  Obviously their prior punishments were not enough of a deterrent to make them want to stop doing illegal things.  That's because they know the worst they will get is a slap on the wrist, and a little time at the gray-bar hotel.  And during their stay there, they will be given 3 meals a day, TV, weight-lifting opportunities, outdoor recreational time,and an opportunity to take some online classes if they wish.What kind of punishment is that?

If we had stronger crime control and greater punishment for crimes, the rate would be significantly lower.  Why do criminals sit in prison for years while my tax dollars pay to house them?  If you intentionally take another's life, and witnesses saw you do it, and there is no question as to your guilt, then what is the hold-up?  You should get a speedy trial and be executed immediately thereafter.  If your crime was not violent, but your punishment is a prison sentence, then it should be PRISON.  I guarantee you the people who worked on chain gangs did NOT want to go back to prison when they were released.  Let's reinstate some hard physical labor of prisoners.  I know there are those who will say it violates their rights.  THEY violated their own rights the instant they committed a crime.  They did it knowing it was wrong and if they got caught they would be punished. You think your actions are without consequences?  Every action has a consequence - some good and some bad. If you knew you would get 20 years hard labor with barely enough food and water to sustain you, that might make you think twice before you robbed a liquor store or mugged someone or sold drugs.

I just don't understand...

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