Monday, July 13, 2015

All A Bunch Of Hypocrites!

As I read all the posts and comments on social networks, blogs, etc., I see many statements by Christians simply stating their opinions on the newest gay rights controversy.  For the most part, they are not hateful and condemning, but rather reiterating what the Bible has to say about it, that it is wrong. Yes, there are a few radicals, but I feel the majority are not.
But the replies I have read from those in favor of gay rights and gay marriage are atrocious! Most of the responses are, "You have no right to judge me", or "Only God can judge me",one that said "I would rather go to hell than be with you Christians".
First of all, aren't these "rights" gay people claim to have to be free to live their lifestyle and get legally married, the very same "rights" I have to say I disagree? Or did I lose my rights when they gained theirs? And didn't they say all they wanted was to have the same rights as everyone else?  The right to have legal marital status?  So why, now, are there lawsuits popping up against Bible publishers and bakeries?  Neither of them interfered with that right. Does this mean it was all a false front?  Merely a door opening for "special privileges"? Isn't that hypocritical to say one thing and do or mean another?
Secondly, if I am not mistaken, I believe these same people who spew hatred for Christians and God, are the very same people who ask people to pray for them or a loved one when there is an illness or injury and death appears eminent.  And the same people who reply to others' requests for prayer that they are "praying".  So, who are you praying to?  And who is it you hope others pray to when you need help?  I believe if I hated God and Christians as much as you say you do, I would ask nothing of them.
And to the one post I saw that said they would rather go to hell than be around Christians, I believe you will get your wish. And it won't be funny and you will regret your decision for an eternity. If you knew what a future in hell looked like, you would not be saying things like that.
So, for all those that call Christians hypocrites, you are right - there are many.  But there are also many who are not.  For some reason, a lot of people think Christians should live perfect lives. Though we strive to, we are human and fail miserably many times.  Being a Christian doesn't mean we live above everyone else.  It means we know what we deserve, but through the grace of God, He forgives our sins and loves us anyway. And that brings a peace that only Christians can know.  God says ALL will stand before Him, and ALL will confess that He is Lord.  And on that day, whatever lame excuse you may have for rejecting Him will not matter - it will be too late.

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