Monday, July 6, 2015

The Butcher, The Baker, The Mental Pain Maker

Oh. My. Goodness.  I have just read that the bakery who refused to make a wedding cake for a lesbian couple has been ordered to pay that couple $135,000 for pain and suffering.  Really?  Would this same couple have sued if they were just too booked up to make their cake?  Or what about if they were known in their town for not paying their bills.  Or what if they were just big jerks?  Is there any acceptable reason to refuse service to someone?  And in my book, this is definitely considered infringement on freedom of religion. 
If I own a business, I should have the right to serve or not serve anyone I choose.  For any reason I choose.  EVEN if it is discriminatory!  Of course, I will be subject to the repercussions of my actions by the people I refuse to serve.  They may tell their friends and those friends may never patronize my business.  But it is still my right to choose! But do they have the right to sue me for something I have not done?  Does this mean that if I go to a bar and get in a fight and the owner tells me not to return, I can  now sue him for my mental anguish caused by not being able to go back there?  How about if I go to Walmart and shoplift and they tell me not to come back?  This opens the door to a host of stupid lawsuits.  And who on earth are the judges who rule on these cases?  Do they not have any common sense?
I can understand if the bakery agreed to make the cake, and then a day prior to the wedding changed their mind.  That would be too close to get another.  But this was months before their wedding, and there was no agreement, ever.  So what the heck are they suing for? 
And homosexual people are saying they are discriminated against.  Now, I can't speak for anyone else, but discrimination should be a term used for something a person can't help, like the color of their skin, or their mental capacity.  Who you choose to have sex with is most definitely something that is changeable.  I hear, "You can't help who you love"over and over.  But doesn't society look down on that poor girl who stays with her abusive husband because she "loves" him.  And I am pretty sure the DFS would be a little discriminatory against the girl whose boyfriend that was charged with child molestation continues to let him live in her home, even though she can't help who she loves. 
I feel for this bakery owner.  This will most likely put them out of business, all because they didn't want to make a cake.  And their right to free enterprise has been taken away.  How sad.

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