Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Welcome to My Padded World

I'm constantly reminded of the Boy Who Lived In A Bubble, so protected that nothing could harm him.  There continues to be people, government, etc. who want to keep removing things from us.  Let's remove the Confederate Flag - might offend someone.  Let's take away guns - might kill someone.  We should probably take away silverware - someone could be impaled with a fork or butter knife.  And we should certainly take away cars - just look at how many lives are lost with them.  We should increase the number of rolls of duct tape made to cover everyone's mouth - just in case they might offend another person.  Do these idiots really think if we remove all chances of violence and totally pad the world we live in it will make nicer people?  Where the heck has personal responsibility gone?
How about we teach our kids self-control?  And respect for others?  And respect for authority?  What if we gave our teachers the ability to punish kids for bad behavior?  And what if we made the murderers responsible for the killings and not the guns?  The Nazi flag and Hitler are a part of history.  Should we not mention it because it is unpleasant?  And who is it that thinks you are going to go through life and never be offended by someone? How about instead of ADHD and zombie medication we spend time with our kids and enforce rules?  I can't tell you how many kids in the upcoming generation I have seen get mad and hit or spit at their parents.  This is OK, but a Confederate Flag is not? 
Regardless of the laws or rules our government tries to make or enforce, it all starts at home.  AT HOME!  I am constantly amazed as I watch parents typing away on their cell phones while their kids are desperately trying to get their attention.  And parents who spare no expense to ensure their children have the finest toys and enroll in the most sports.  I hate to tell you, but your kids could care less about that stuff.  What they want are parents who love them, love spending time with them, and LISTEN to them!  Go off the grid for a few hours a day.  Turn off that darn phone.  Make mud pies!  Dig worms!  DO something one-on-one with them.  Let them know they are important to you.  Let them experience some failure.  If you always get a trophy, what does that say?  In a race, there can be only one winner.  Of course their efforts should be praised, but you don't get to win everything, every time.  That's life.  Some people are nice to you.  Others are mean.  Some things are fair.  Some are not.
Our job as parents is not to have a competition with other parents.  Our job is to raise responsible, well-rounded, productive kids who are ready to tackle the real world once they leave the nest. I was always tickled at the parents I heard saying, "Well, MY kids don't do that.  MY kids would never act that way."  Meanwhile, my kids were coming home saying what little Johnny or Susie did over the weekend, and it was all I could do to not tell those parents, "Your kids are doing the same thing every other kid is doing - partying, speeding, etc."  Don't get me wrong - mine were no angels, and I wasn't stupid enough to think they were.  They had consequences for their actions.  They hated us on more than one occasion.  We were "unfair" many times.  I spanked my kids when they were little.  They knew should they ever decide to draw back as though to hit me, they would have a very red behind that day. They may not have always liked us, but they knew better than to disrespect us.
To those who think "spanking" is "beating" you are wrong.  As a child the fear of pain from a spanking is what kept me from doing a lot.  And if we were doing something wrong, any adult was likely to twist our ear or give us a swat, then tell our folks, who would probably hand out another spanking when we got home.  And there was always that walking spanking that was the worst.  Mom would grab one hand and swat me every step home while shouting in my ear. I lived.  I grew up.  I knew better than to do that again.
Until we return to a place where parents can teach and discipline their kids, this world will continue to go to hell in a handbasket. And taking away every possible sharp object or harsh word won't make a hoot of a difference if we don't teach personal responsibility for our actions.  Let's stop being "politically correct" and start being "Biblically correct"!

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