Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Let's Just Call A Spade A Spade

Fury. Rage. Shame. Disappointment. Anguish. 

These are the feelings I have had as I watch our lame excuse for a president do NOTHING to honor the Marines who were recently killed by a TERRORIST!  We managed to light up the Whitehouse like a rainbow for a bunch of screaming gays who wanted equal rights, but we can't even fly our flags at half-mast for Marines who were serving their country and who were killed by muslims on OUR soil?  Really????

Political correctness is a term my grandfather never knew.  Nor, would he have cared about it.  I continue to hear the phrase "peaceful muslims". That is an oxymoron!  There are no peaceful muslims!  The very book they abide by in their religion says ALL INFIDELS MUST BE KILLED!  What the heck is peaceful about that?  You want to be a muslim?  Fine, but expect to be profiled.  You are living in a country that muslims want to decimate.  Politically incorrect?  So what?!  Freedom of religion is one thing.  But when your religion dictates you commit crimes, as established by our constitution, you lose that freedom.

And I heard a news clip where a guy (sorry, didn't get the name) said at our recruiting stations we should have one soldier trained to use a gun and keep it in the building.   That's the dumbest thing ever!  Aren't our soldiers sent to boot camp and training, where they are taught how to use weapons to be able to fight for our country?  Why are they only allowed to use weapons to protect themselves and us on foreign soil?  I realize this was put in place by George Bush Sr., but that was before terrorists came to America.  We were able to change the definition of marriage, but we can't allow trained Marines to arm themselves?  What's wrong with this picture?

Our president has disgraced this nation time and time again.  I don't know one person who voted for him.  EVER.  I don't know one person who thinks he is doing a great job. I don't know one person who thinks he should remain in his position.  So, why are we not charging him with treason?  Or impeaching him?  Who is allowing all this nonsense to continue?  Where do I go to file a complaint with the government? 

MY tax dollars are funding planned parenthood.  I object!  I am an American Citizen.  I am supposed to be able to vote to determine the actions of our government.  Why doesn't my vote count?  I am NOT in favor of killing babies, born or unborn.  I am NOT in favor of selling their body parts like they were cuts of beef.

As I see these horrendous things happening, I must wonder - would Obama still be in favor of bowing to his "brothers" is they beheaded his wife?  His children?  If they planted a bomb under his car?  Is he really in favor of all this crap, or is he so far removed from the effects of it that he doesn't have to think about it?

I want my president to have a variety of qualities.  He should be kind.  He should be an eloquent speaker.  He should have morals.  He should be well-versed in the workings of the government.  He should be experienced in conducting business. Personally, I prefer him to be a God-fearing Christian.  But above all those things, he should be an AMERICAN, and a patriotic American at that.  One who loves his country and all that it stands for.  One who believes our forefathers did a good thing by coming here.  One who wants to continue all the things that America stands for.  I don't think in all the years Obama has been in office he has ever even produced a birth certificate to prove he was an American citizen!  How on earth did this guy ever get to where he is?

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