Thursday, August 27, 2015

No Guns = Lovely People...?

In the wake of the Virginia reporter shootings, the only thing our illustrious president has to say is "gun control"?
How about crime control?  How about law enforcement?  In our small town, local citizens know which convicted felons still possess guns, but our law enforcement fails to find them.  We know which neighborhood homes manufacture meth, but our law enforcement is not allowed to invade them for months, sometimes years.  Why?

When it's your 6th DWI offense, why do they still let people back on the streets after a couple of years good behavior? 

And why is the media claiming this Virginia shooter was mentally ill?  Sometimes when people do crazy things, it's because they are people who have never claimed any personal responsibility for their lives.  Everything is someone else's fault.  These are people with little self-esteem.  If they valued their own life, it would give more value to everyone else's lives.

So let's assume that the president manages to take away all guns in the United States. Make it illegal to possess a gun.  Isn't that what we did with cocaine and heroin? How's that going? Let's make it illegal to drink and drive.  Oh, wait - it already is.  That's why people who have been convicted multiple times and have no driver's license continue to hop in a car while they are wasted and drive anyway. There are no enforced penalties - unless you are a white, straight, Christian baker.

Is there no one out there with any common sense?  It's not nice to say the "N" word.  But you know what?  People do it anyway.  But calling names has been going on since the beginning of time.  Get over it.  Why can't we concentrate on important issues? If there is no doubt that if you get caught committing a crime, you will go directly to jail, and NOT be given TV, internet, books, etc. and will be forced to do hard manual labor, how many people would be willing to take that risk?  If you knew that if you committed a violent crime, you would be publicly hanged, would it be worth it?  But if you knew the worst you would get is a few years in a place where you get healthy meals, TV, basketball, schooling, etc., what's the deterrent there?

I just don't get why we continue to worry about stupid things while skirting around the issues at hand.  I am relatively sure if a criminal wanted to, he could commit a crime with a butter knife or a chainsaw.  Should we ban those, too?

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