Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Everybody Take Your Top Off!

So women want to go topless in public.  To all you women who wish to participate in this, I am sure there are plenty of men fully supporting you.  But I'll bet it's not because they are for equal rights.

Most men are all for seeing boobs!  Has nothing to do with rights - has to do with human nature. Whether your chest is painted or tattooed or au naturel, men will look. And they may even tell you they support your cause (whether they know what the cause is or not).

It is human nature for women's breasts to cause arousal in men.  You can label it however you want, but that's the bottom line.  And whether you are doing it for that purpose, or to "exercise your right", it will still have the same effect.  So if you get your wish and it becomes legal, good luck to you.  I hope all who wish to participate will also sign a statement not to call the police or cry out for help if you get raped. Human nature dictates that flashing your breasts constitutes an "offer" of sorts.  And there are plenty of guys ready to accept.

The reveal of your body should be reserved for your husband - not the world. There are plenty of children whose parents do not want them to see your breasts.  And for those claiming this is a "feminist" thing, you are only cheapening yourselves and further downgrading women in general.  And though it may be wild and exciting in "the moment" of your display, you will come to regret your actions. Do none of you have children?  Is this what you want your child to think a "mom" is supposed to look like?  Some of my kids friends had moms who were all too ready to give the world a peek at what they had, and believe me, that is not what their children wanted their mom to be like.
And do you think your employer wants a woman who does this representing their company?  Probably not.

Shame on you!  There are far more important issues at hand in the world today.  Go home and put some clothes on!

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