Thursday, August 13, 2015

Moving Monuments?

This Freedom From Religion group must be crazy!  I heard on the news today they were objecting to a Desert Storm Monument being located on the grounds of a government office because the monument contained the Christian fish symbol. Again, citing the separation of church and state as their reason.
What a slam to our country's veterans!  These people, who left their families to go to foreign soil and fight for our country and our freedom, and some sacrificed their life, all as instructed by our government, are now told their symbol of bravery and courage can't sit on government grounds?  I am just guessing here, but I would suppose in the midst of gunfire, those government representatives of our country were praying to God - the God that's represented by the Christian fish on their monument. So, if they want a symbol on their monument, where is the harm?

And above all that, don't we live in a country that abides by democracy?  Let's vote!  In all branches of our government, the majority rules (or is supposed to).  So let's just vote and see who objects and who doesn't. And when the vote is over, no more complaining - the majority has spoken.

I also think these issues should be handled on a local level. Let each city or county decide what their citizens want and are in favor of.  I realize the Freedom From Religion has been in existence since 1978, but I feel they are "running amok"at this point about stupid things that make no difference.

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