Thursday, April 30, 2015

Leave That Boston Mom Alone!!!!

Why is everyone lambasting that mother in Boston, who saw her son acting a fool on TV and went down to give him "what for"?!
That woman has my praise!  Was she a bit harsh?  Of course!  His actions demanded harshness!  Or maybe there are those who think she should have merely given him a "time-out".  If there were more mothers willing to take care of business, there would be less kids rioting.  And once again, these protests are not productive.  That's like me saying, "McDonald's forgot to give me my french fries.  I think I'll go burn down Wal-mart."  As far as I can remember, burning and looting has never been a productive way to get your point across.  Protests are one thing.  There is a time and place for that. But short of a civil war, what they are doing is not helping anyone, and only further demonstrating why the black race has the reputation it does.  If you want to change the world, then go to school, get a job, be participatory in your community.  Make things happen the right way.  Crooked cops need to be dealt with, as there will always be a few sour apples in the bunch, but the majority are fine, upstanding citizens who do their job with pride.
If we teach our children from a small age to have respect and empathy for others, a lot of the crimes would be eliminated and a lot of these riots would not take place.  To our illustrious government, that has taken away nearly all rights of parents to be parents to their children, "Congratulations!" I hope this is what you and Dr. Spock were hoping for- wild hellions rioting in the streets!  I got plenty of spankings growing up, and plenty that left a whelp or bruise on my back side.  And I deserved many more than I got.  I was not beaten.  I was not abused - there is definitely a difference.  I was made to mind and behave.  I knew if I got in trouble at school, the trouble I would have at home was going to be far worse than whatever happened at school.  Of course, that's because I had parents who were responsible and caring and worried about my well-being and future.  Worried enough to do the unpleasantries of spankings.  We didn't have time-outs.  We had knock-outs.  And you knew the consequences of your actions.  That thought, and the fear of coming pain was what kept us in line.  There were no exceptions.  The phrase "Wait until your father gets home" carried much weight. But that was also from a time when being a father was taken seriously. 
I feel like a lot of parents have somehow overlooked their job.  Our job is not to make sure our kid gets a trophy, even if he's the worst player on the team.  Our job is not to furnish our children with luxuries. Our job is to raise responsible, God-fearing children, all in an effort to prepare them to enter the world as responsible, productive adults.  Our job is to teach that every action has a consequence - some good, some bad.  Our job is to teach that you don't always win.  Life is not always fair.  People do mean things sometimes.  People do wrong things sometimes.  Our job is to teach our children to do what is right and honest.  To understand that work is good for you.  To promote self-esteem.  To encourage dreams.
To the mother in Boston, I applaud you for trying to do what you think is right.  Your son is obviously too big for a bend-over-the-knee spanking, and given the circumstances, I probably would have done the same thing.  Followed by much lecturing and shouting once we got home.  To the rest of the world, let this mother take care of her business!

Friday, April 24, 2015

Train Up A Child

Today's rant....Spoiled, Selfish, Inconsiderate people!
I am nearly 1/2 century old, and in all those years, I have seen many different kinds of people.  Some I liked, some I didn't care for, and some I simply could not stand.  As I reflect on all the different types of people, it is apparent that for the majority of the time, children are a product of their environment.  I know there are those who have overcome adverse situations and excelled in spite of their upbringing, and there are also those who have been given every opportunity, yet squandered all of them.
We all know people who, for some unknown reason, you just can't help but love. For me, those people are usually outgoing, friendly, honest, punctual, generous, helpful.  People who are easy to talk to, that give you honest answers in the kindest way possible. People who say what they mean and do what they say.  Dependable people.  These people are usually ones raised by a two-parent home, and by parents who cared more about what was on the inside than what was on the outside.  Parents who taught their children that honesty IS a good policy.  And helped them learn both sympathy and empathy at an early age.
There are lots of in-betweens, but my rant concerns the opposite end of the spectrum.  People who are selfish, rude, inconsiderate.  I have known a few people like this in my life, but never considered them "friends' for very long.  The people I have known who are like this are exactly a product of their raising.  They were raised by parents who were also self-centered and totally unconcerned for others.  These people can't seem to see past the end of their nose.  Your schedule is of no importance to them.  Your wants and needs mean nothing.  Only what they want matters.  Did you work hard and come home totally exhausted?  Too bad, this person wants you to complete a list of chores before bed.  Did you spend time, money and effort planning and preparing an event for them?  So what?  This person will arrive at their convenience, without a thought of your schedule.  Did you reserve a spot for this person to have an appointment with you?  Bummer!  They found something better to do and chose it without even letting you know they weren't coming.  This type of person is also most usually dishonest, and what I call a phoney-baloney!  They tell things that are totally not true.  Not the kind of things one might say when about to get in trouble and trying to get out of it, but totally made up lies, for no other reason than to try to impress someone.  This type of person also usually has a tremendous temper.  One that sends everyone around them reeling.  One that produces a screaming rage at the slightest hint of someone not doing what they want or attempting to tell them "no".  And this person is also one who then denies everything unpleasant they may have done. These people are total manipulators, bullying everyone they can into doing what they say, no matter what the cost.   And these same people who are so ugly on the inside, are obsessed with the outside.  Putting on a show, of sorts.  Always displaying a smile as if they have the perfect life, when the whole world knows they don't.  These people are so concerned with what outsiders may think, constantly trying to appear wealthy when they are not, and always trying to "look" beautiful, when everyone sees how ugly they are on the inside, which overshadows what ever exterior beauty they may have. 
So, I have a few words for these kind of people.  First, Shut up - no one is interested in what you have to say, because 1. you have been so rude to them that they don't care, and 2.  it's probably a made-up lie, anyway.  No matter what you think that others think of you, let me tell you a secret - they know how you are.  You are fooling no one except yourself. Anyone who knows you sees right through your facade.  You could be rich with friends and people who are willing to support and help you, but your prior actions have dried up the river of giving from nearly everyone. For all your efforts to display your "perfect life", everyone sees a sad, lonely, unhappy person.  If only you could just be you.  Plain and simple, you.  You have my pity.

Friday, April 17, 2015

...with Liberty and Pay Increases For all!

Fast food employees are ready to walk of the job if they don't get $15.00 per hour?  Now THAT is something I never thought I'd see! I guess I was unaware that the "art" of assembling a Big Mac or the "technical savvy" of ringing up your taco was such a big deal.  Times must have changed a lot in the last 30 years. I realize that the value of a dollar has changed slightly over that time, but I don't believe it has changed that much.
I got my first job working at Sonic Drive-in when I was 15.  I couldn't wait to earn my own money.  I chopped onions and slung burgers with all the pride I had in me. I knew that whatever my job, wherever my job, if I did the very best I could, I would be rewarded and promoted, and gradually earn more money.  If I remember correctly, I made $3.35 an hour.  And I was appreciative of that $3.35.  For I knew there were others who wanted a job, and I could be replaced at any time. I later worked at McDonalds, and while I worked at McDonalds from 5:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m., I obtained a second job at K-Mart, working 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.  Again, I made minimum wage at that time.  Never once did I consider the possibility of telling my boss that unless they doubled my pay, I was walking.  They would have told me not to let the door hit me in the butt!
I worked for 20 years for a real estate developer, and I made more than minimum wage, but certainly not DOUBLE!  And I only felt justified in asking for a raise (a small raise) when I could present how the work I was doing was adding to or increasing company profits.
I left there to take over my families business, and now make less than I did there.  All in an effort to preserve this family business, making sacrifices NOW in hopes that the business will be doing well enough to reward me LATER. And there are weeks when business has been slow that I don't take a check at all.  I believe the old-timers refer to that as "making due".
I am totally amazed at the gall of these people today.  If I were the owners of theses fast food restaurants, I would send them down the road!  I am sure there are 100 people behind them looking to find a job. And maybe the fact that these fast food workers expect this raise further exposes their intellect.  Apparently they don't realize that if McDonalds makes $100,000 a month, and currently pays it's employees $30,000 and are forced to begin paying them $60,000, something will have to be sacrificed.  These employees must not realize that THEY are the sacrifices!  If you only have so much to spend, then the number of employees will have to be cut.  So, half of them will not only NOT be making $15 per hour, they will be UNEMPLOYED!  Is that the result they are looking for?  Maybe if they had aspired to do something besides make burgers and tacos with their life, they would realize the impact of what they are asking for.  And guess who will pay their unemployment?  The fast food business.  Then, it will either be forced to raise prices, or cut additional employees.  And when the unemployment runs out and they apply for welfare, my tax dollars will pay them.  I am not OK with that.  Their protests should be met with an ultimatum - either work for what we offer to pay, or go get a job somewhere else that pays what you think you are worth.  And good luck.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Anti-Discrimination or Anti-Constitution?

What's the deal with all the "anti-discrimination" laws?  If I own a business that sells, let's say, religious items, and my motto is, let's say, "Spreading God's Word", and I need to hire someone to work at my business, I am going to want someone who represents what I am selling.  Someone who sends the message of my company to all who shop there.  So, out of all who apply for this job, I will be selecting a person based on MY criteria.  Someone who doesn't curse, someone who is clean-cut, someone who does NOT have piercings and tattoos everywhere, someone who is not a homosexual, someone who is not on the sexual offenders list, someone who does not have prior felony convictions, someone who is not at the bar every night after work, someone who is intelligent, someone who is kind, someone who is friendly, someone who lives their life in a way that is pleasing to God, etc.  These are MY criteria for MY business.  I am (or should be) free to select an employee of MY choosing. This is my right.  I was given the opportunity to start a business and conduct a business to the best of my ability.  The opportunity to make a living through my business.  I want customers who shop at my business to be repeat customers, based on my products, and the way they are treated when they shop there, and the image my business portrays.  My customers will probably NOT be drug users, or swingers, or any one else who lives their life in opposition to what God says is right.  And frankly, I don't care.  I wouldn't expect those people to patronize my business. 
Now, for the government to tell me I HAVE to hire someone who is exactly the opposite of the image I want my business to have is UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!!  If you are gay, you will NOT be employed at my business!  Do I hate you?  Nope.  Do I think I should stand in your front yard with a sign that says "Being gay is wrong"? Nope.  Do I think I should launch a campaign to end people being gay? Nope.  You have every "right" to be gay.  The same as I have every right to disagree with you being gay.  Do I think your lifestyle conflicts with the image and message I want my business to have?  YES! 
Now for the other side:  If you are gay, why do you want to work in a place that is against your lifestyle?  If you are drug addict, why would you want to work at my business?  Everything sold there preaches against what you are doing.  I just don't get it.  Why wouldn't you want to work in a place that condones your behavior?  Wouldn't it be a much more pleasant experience for you? 
And as was in the headlines some time back, a florist refused to provide flowers for a gay wedding. So, knowing that they didn't want to do it, why would you try to "make" them do it?  Wouldn't you rather do business with someone who was excited about doing your wedding?
Is it not enough that you are given the freedom  to be gay?  Is it not enough that most people say nothing to you about your lifestyle?  Why do you seem to want to MAKE everyone AGREE with you?  Don't I have the right to disagree with you? 
If I own a tattoo shop, I want my employees to be excellent tattoo aritsts.  I want them to have lots of tattoos.  I want my customers to see my business image the moment they walk in.  My employees are a walking display of my business.  I don't expect to attract nuns.  I don't expect to have ministers patronize my business.  I wouldn't hire someone who was "clean-cut" and looked like the virgin mary.  It is all relative to what your business is.
Could I force McDonald's to hire me while I sported a Burger King uniform?  Isn't that discrimination against my freedom to choose what I wear?
Forcing me to hire someone who is the exact opposite of my business image will only cost me business. My target customers will not come back to patronize my store if they are greeted by those people.  Essentially, I will be put out of business. That is not right. That is unconstitutional.  That is not free enterprise.
Why is all this controversy over gay people?  Why are there not protests by drug addicts to force drug re-hab facilities to hire them?  Why are there no protests to force businesses to hire sexual offenders?  It's all the same.
If you want to live a lifestyle that is considered wrong by many, go right ahead.  You are free to do it.  But you are NOT free to do it without consequences.  THAT is what gay people want.  They want to live wrongly, but without any consequences for their choices. 
I am amazed that our lawmakers have even considered this!  What crazy times we are living in!