Thursday, April 2, 2015

Anti-Discrimination or Anti-Constitution?

What's the deal with all the "anti-discrimination" laws?  If I own a business that sells, let's say, religious items, and my motto is, let's say, "Spreading God's Word", and I need to hire someone to work at my business, I am going to want someone who represents what I am selling.  Someone who sends the message of my company to all who shop there.  So, out of all who apply for this job, I will be selecting a person based on MY criteria.  Someone who doesn't curse, someone who is clean-cut, someone who does NOT have piercings and tattoos everywhere, someone who is not a homosexual, someone who is not on the sexual offenders list, someone who does not have prior felony convictions, someone who is not at the bar every night after work, someone who is intelligent, someone who is kind, someone who is friendly, someone who lives their life in a way that is pleasing to God, etc.  These are MY criteria for MY business.  I am (or should be) free to select an employee of MY choosing. This is my right.  I was given the opportunity to start a business and conduct a business to the best of my ability.  The opportunity to make a living through my business.  I want customers who shop at my business to be repeat customers, based on my products, and the way they are treated when they shop there, and the image my business portrays.  My customers will probably NOT be drug users, or swingers, or any one else who lives their life in opposition to what God says is right.  And frankly, I don't care.  I wouldn't expect those people to patronize my business. 
Now, for the government to tell me I HAVE to hire someone who is exactly the opposite of the image I want my business to have is UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!!  If you are gay, you will NOT be employed at my business!  Do I hate you?  Nope.  Do I think I should stand in your front yard with a sign that says "Being gay is wrong"? Nope.  Do I think I should launch a campaign to end people being gay? Nope.  You have every "right" to be gay.  The same as I have every right to disagree with you being gay.  Do I think your lifestyle conflicts with the image and message I want my business to have?  YES! 
Now for the other side:  If you are gay, why do you want to work in a place that is against your lifestyle?  If you are drug addict, why would you want to work at my business?  Everything sold there preaches against what you are doing.  I just don't get it.  Why wouldn't you want to work in a place that condones your behavior?  Wouldn't it be a much more pleasant experience for you? 
And as was in the headlines some time back, a florist refused to provide flowers for a gay wedding. So, knowing that they didn't want to do it, why would you try to "make" them do it?  Wouldn't you rather do business with someone who was excited about doing your wedding?
Is it not enough that you are given the freedom  to be gay?  Is it not enough that most people say nothing to you about your lifestyle?  Why do you seem to want to MAKE everyone AGREE with you?  Don't I have the right to disagree with you? 
If I own a tattoo shop, I want my employees to be excellent tattoo aritsts.  I want them to have lots of tattoos.  I want my customers to see my business image the moment they walk in.  My employees are a walking display of my business.  I don't expect to attract nuns.  I don't expect to have ministers patronize my business.  I wouldn't hire someone who was "clean-cut" and looked like the virgin mary.  It is all relative to what your business is.
Could I force McDonald's to hire me while I sported a Burger King uniform?  Isn't that discrimination against my freedom to choose what I wear?
Forcing me to hire someone who is the exact opposite of my business image will only cost me business. My target customers will not come back to patronize my store if they are greeted by those people.  Essentially, I will be put out of business. That is not right. That is unconstitutional.  That is not free enterprise.
Why is all this controversy over gay people?  Why are there not protests by drug addicts to force drug re-hab facilities to hire them?  Why are there no protests to force businesses to hire sexual offenders?  It's all the same.
If you want to live a lifestyle that is considered wrong by many, go right ahead.  You are free to do it.  But you are NOT free to do it without consequences.  THAT is what gay people want.  They want to live wrongly, but without any consequences for their choices. 
I am amazed that our lawmakers have even considered this!  What crazy times we are living in!

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