Friday, April 24, 2015

Train Up A Child

Today's rant....Spoiled, Selfish, Inconsiderate people!
I am nearly 1/2 century old, and in all those years, I have seen many different kinds of people.  Some I liked, some I didn't care for, and some I simply could not stand.  As I reflect on all the different types of people, it is apparent that for the majority of the time, children are a product of their environment.  I know there are those who have overcome adverse situations and excelled in spite of their upbringing, and there are also those who have been given every opportunity, yet squandered all of them.
We all know people who, for some unknown reason, you just can't help but love. For me, those people are usually outgoing, friendly, honest, punctual, generous, helpful.  People who are easy to talk to, that give you honest answers in the kindest way possible. People who say what they mean and do what they say.  Dependable people.  These people are usually ones raised by a two-parent home, and by parents who cared more about what was on the inside than what was on the outside.  Parents who taught their children that honesty IS a good policy.  And helped them learn both sympathy and empathy at an early age.
There are lots of in-betweens, but my rant concerns the opposite end of the spectrum.  People who are selfish, rude, inconsiderate.  I have known a few people like this in my life, but never considered them "friends' for very long.  The people I have known who are like this are exactly a product of their raising.  They were raised by parents who were also self-centered and totally unconcerned for others.  These people can't seem to see past the end of their nose.  Your schedule is of no importance to them.  Your wants and needs mean nothing.  Only what they want matters.  Did you work hard and come home totally exhausted?  Too bad, this person wants you to complete a list of chores before bed.  Did you spend time, money and effort planning and preparing an event for them?  So what?  This person will arrive at their convenience, without a thought of your schedule.  Did you reserve a spot for this person to have an appointment with you?  Bummer!  They found something better to do and chose it without even letting you know they weren't coming.  This type of person is also most usually dishonest, and what I call a phoney-baloney!  They tell things that are totally not true.  Not the kind of things one might say when about to get in trouble and trying to get out of it, but totally made up lies, for no other reason than to try to impress someone.  This type of person also usually has a tremendous temper.  One that sends everyone around them reeling.  One that produces a screaming rage at the slightest hint of someone not doing what they want or attempting to tell them "no".  And this person is also one who then denies everything unpleasant they may have done. These people are total manipulators, bullying everyone they can into doing what they say, no matter what the cost.   And these same people who are so ugly on the inside, are obsessed with the outside.  Putting on a show, of sorts.  Always displaying a smile as if they have the perfect life, when the whole world knows they don't.  These people are so concerned with what outsiders may think, constantly trying to appear wealthy when they are not, and always trying to "look" beautiful, when everyone sees how ugly they are on the inside, which overshadows what ever exterior beauty they may have. 
So, I have a few words for these kind of people.  First, Shut up - no one is interested in what you have to say, because 1. you have been so rude to them that they don't care, and 2.  it's probably a made-up lie, anyway.  No matter what you think that others think of you, let me tell you a secret - they know how you are.  You are fooling no one except yourself. Anyone who knows you sees right through your facade.  You could be rich with friends and people who are willing to support and help you, but your prior actions have dried up the river of giving from nearly everyone. For all your efforts to display your "perfect life", everyone sees a sad, lonely, unhappy person.  If only you could just be you.  Plain and simple, you.  You have my pity.

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