Friday, November 21, 2014

Wedding Bells for Charles Manson???

I continue to read the news, and say, "Really????" So Charles Manson is getting married. In Prison.   I thought the whole idea of prison was to punish you by restricting your freedoms.  Guess I was way off.  One, it's CHARLES MANSON!  What a freak!  Who in their right mind would want to marry that guy? Two, isn't he in prison for LIFE?  Isn't he being punished for LIFE for the heinous crimes he was convicted of?  Doesn't that punishment mean you no longer have certain freedoms, like, say, having a wedding? Unbelievable!  And guess what?  I bet our tax dollars pay for this lovely event.  Wonder what would happen if we got to say what our tax dollars could and could not be spent for?  Personally, I don't care what he wants. He gave up his rights to do what he wanted when he committed those crimes.  I never cease to be amazed at the nonsense that goes on in prisons and with our government. 

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