Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Work is Overrated

Why do I torture myself like this?  I get up, usually by 5:00 a.m., do laundry, pick up the kitchen & wash any messes created after I went to bed, put on my makeup, fix my hair (well, sort-of), get dressed and go to work, usually by 7:00 a.m.  I work at a job I never thought I'd be doing - installing auto glass and working on cars.  Usually little girls dream of being a princess, or a mom, but never an auto glass installer.  But, life doesn't always give you what you dream of, and I am truly thankful that I have a job.  So I get to work, catch up on paperwork, etc and get ready for my day, where we open at 8:00.  I work along side my husband, and rarely play the "girl" card, doing just as much work and physical labor as he does.  By the end of the day, I am worn out, my hands are stained with black- adhesive, primer & chemicals, which all seep into the cracks of my hands and do not wash off.  My hands are chapped from the chemicals we use.  My joints ache from the beginnings of arthritis.  My back hurts every night.  Not only do I do the physical side of this business, I also do all the bookwork - paying bills, etc., keeping books, doing taxes, etc.  We close at 5:00 p.m., but it usually 5:30-6:00 before I get home, where I begin my "other" work.  Make supper, clean, do laundry, etc.  I drop into bed around 9:00 or 10:00 so I can start all over the next day. 
Now, I am a firm believer in "earning" a living.  So, I am not complaining - well, maybe just a little.  I believe God intended us all to work for what we need and want.  But being a business owner means bearing the brunt of the business, both good and bad.  Winter is our slow time. So sometimes after doing all that each week, I don't even get to take a paycheck if business wasn't great that week.  That's OK, too - you just do what you have to do.  Then, I go to the grocery store, and stand behind someone who proudly pays with their food stamp card.  I often consider telling them how hard I work so they can have free food with my tax dollars. 
I am now in the middle of stupid Obamacare.  I HAVE to have it.  Not that I enjoy being uninsured, but I can't afford it.  I was barely able to afford what they MADE me buy in 2014.  I will NOT be able to afford what they are making me buy in 2015.  So, not only will I be uninsured, I will also lose any possible tax refund due to Obamacare penalties at the end of that year.  I am not a politician or a scholar, but something here doesn't make any sense.  Maybe some of the people who voted Obamacare into law could come and work with me for a month or two and see if they still think it's a good plan.  You know, those people who have different health insurance and a whole bucket of perks, so they don't have to worry if they can buy milk at the end of the week. 
What I COULD do is quit working, stay at home with less stress, less paperwork, less aches and pains, and get all this stuff for free.  The people I see using food stamps and medicaid seem to be pretty happy. I just don't get it.  I don't get why the people doing most of the work are the ones being penalized the most and taxed the most and left out of all assistance the most. 
So, Merry Christmas to everyone I help.  I hope you enjoy your Christmas dinner and all the free opportunities my work affords for you.

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