Monday, October 7, 2013

Can You Sue a Business Owner for Refusing Service?

I just heard on the radio that a florist somewhere was being sued because they refused to provide flowers for a gay couple's wedding, stating that it infringed on her religious beliefs.  This is so ridiculous!  If I own a business, I have the right to serve or NOT serve anyone I want, for any reason I want.  And, if I was that gay couple, I don't think I would want that florist, knowing they didn't want to do it.  I totally disagree with homosexuality.  I believe it is wrong, according to the Bible.  Gay people's rights are insane.  I understand and agree with not discriminating because of color or race.  That is something you have no control over - you were born that way.  But it is my right to not want to serve gay people if I so choose, the same way I would not want to serve a drug addict or murderer or sexual offender.  Being gay is most definitely your choice and it is also my choice to disagree with your lifestyle.  Being gay is not the color of your skin - it is how you choose to act and behave. And I guess I feel that the gay rights are no more important than my religious rights and views.  Why should gay people be able to sue me if I refuse service to them?  Does that mean I can sue someone if they refuse to serve me because of my religion?  I can't believe that our judges waste their time on these ridiculous lawsuits.  If I don't like the way someone conducts their business, I don't use their services.  I DON'T sue them.  Our world has become so sue-happy.  I don't get it and I don't understand why the judicial system has let it come to this.  Want to know why medical costs have risen?  It's because every time something goes wrong, we sue the doctor.  And the hospital, and the maker of the x-ray machine. 

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