Monday, October 14, 2013

How many congressmen does it take to balance the budget...

I am so sick of 1) the government shut-down and 2) hearing about the government shut-down.  Maybe they haven't figured out the definition of the word "budget".  I believe it is taking into account all your spendable money and allocating it to different categories.  Not spending trillions more than you have and trying to figure out how to sort out your deficits.  How hard can this be?  How about you scrape every last thing off, and start over with bare necessities.  Isn't that what REAL people do with REAL money?  If your spending too much, don't you evaluate what you have to have and scrap the things that aren't truly required? I would like a vacation to a beachy spot, and a new Iphone and a new computer, and maybe a new car.  But since I don't have the money for those things, I will choose to pay my electric bill and buy groceries instead.  And why is it that once you serve a term in office, whether president or congressman, you have life-long benefits and salaries?  Isn't that an elected spot, and don't you go in knowing that you won't work there for 40 years and retire from it?  I don't get it.  You know, taxes were originally established for a purpose.  To fund wars to protect our freedom, for example.  NOT to send to countries who hate our guts.  and NOT to provide lavish amenities and benefits for elected officials. Dadgummit that makes me mad.  I work like a dog for my measley living and those morons spend it like there's no end.  And then give it to people who don't work and don't deserve it.  Aren't they infringing on my rights to earn a decent living by requiring me to give them my tax dollars to whiz away?  I am against Obamacare, but to those who think it's wonderful, fine.  But at this point in time, throw it to the side and work on vital necessities.  Work on that when you aren't in the middle of a crisis.  And I saw a post on facebook by a guy who went to the health care site to determine what he qualified for, and on his $45,000 per year earnings, his premium would be near $600 per month, with a huge deductible.  That was not doable, so he chose to opt out. He later received an email that he would be fined some $4,000 dollars on his tax return, and if he didn't pay, his driver's license would be suspended, and if he still didn't pay, they would put a lien on his home.  Is that really constitutional?  I'm sorry but the government has no business meddling in our business.  Their job is to ensure our freedom as a nation and to enforce constitutional laws.  I don't recall ever reading about our forefathers instituting healthcare as part of our country's heritage.  We left Europe to escape control by the government in our personal lives.  Now they probably have more control over us than they did 200 years ago.  What a load of crap!

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