Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Obamacare - For the Good of the People...Really?

I haven't finished my research into what Obamacare will actually entail, but of course, neither did congress when they voted for it.  The best I can figure is that I still won't have healthcare coverage.  I have always fallen in the "gap".  Made too much to qualify for any type of assistance, but not enough to go out and purchase my own health insurance.  Therefore, we only go to the doctor when it is a dire need.  And on the few occasions we have had to visit the hospital, we made monthly payments until it was paid in full.  Last time I was at the doctor, it had been a long time since my last visit, and the receptionist said, "You really need to come more often for checkups."  I said, "I don't have insurance.  I can't afford to just come when there is nothing wrong."  She sneered at me.  What the heck?  I work.  I have always worked. I pay my taxes.  I don't take vacations or have fancy stuff.  Is there something wrong with that?  Why am I being punished for muddling along through life doing the right thing?  I guess my big question to congress and the president is, Do you really think I LIKE not having healthcare coverage?  Do you think I LIKE wondering what that ache or pain is and knowing I can't go have it checked out?  Do you think I LIKE knowing that one medical disaster would ruin me financially for the rest of my life?  NO NO NO NO!  I hate it.  My parents were paying $1500.00 per month before they went on Medicare.  There's no way we can afford that.  My son actually came up with a super-duper plan.  We will create a healthcare insurance company with a $5,000,000 deductible.  It will cost $10.00 per month.  That way, you are in fact insured, so you won't be subject to the tax penalty for not having health insurance.  The penalty is ridiculous.  I keep telling people, "They can't do this.  They can't meddle in our business like this.  They can't force us to buy insurance."  But it's happening.  I feel like collectively there are enough people who disagree with this nonsense, that if we pulled together and vowed not to pay taxes for a year, it would yank the chain of those higher up.  Of course, everyone is afraid to do that.  I am ready to put my money in a coffee can in the back yard.  Our government was not created to administer health care. It can't handle it, as seen by the website malfunction.  I am so mad about this, but feel so totally helpless.  I believe this is just a step further toward government control of every aspect of our lives.  Someone in a position of power HAS to stop this.  All the speeches and promises made by our president were total lies.  Sadly, I think he is just a puppet for others wishing to control our nation.  He doesn't even look honest.  And he doesn't know his stuff.  And he hasn't been in politics long enough to have the wisdom and knowledge he claims to have.  Is he even a US citizen?  I don't know.  I just hope when his term ends, we get someone in there with just a little common sense, and just a little empathy for regular people.  So frustrated!

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