Tuesday, October 1, 2013

So The Government Shut Down...

So, the government shut down today.  What, exactly, does that mean?  I still had to go to work.  When we shut down, we don't make any money.  Bet they all still made money today.  What a bunch of money-hungry morons.  I feel like every single politician is so far removed from reality, they have forgotten what it's like to wonder if you have money for a jug of milk at the end of the week.  I am sure a lot start with good intentions, and then get there and realize that doing what's right is not possible - you don't vote for this bill, we don't vote for yours.  They are forced into voting for things they may or may not agree with, and may or may not know what is in the bills they vote for.  I still don't understand why every bill has to have something ridiculous attached to it right before it gets voted on.  Why don't they vote on one thing at a time?  Anyway, I guess it will never matter, but we pay income taxes and payroll taxes, and so does every other working American.  Why is it we have no say in what happens to our money?  Do you know we send millions of dollars each month to countries who hate our guts and would slit our throats if they had the chance?  They did a poll one time to some third-world country we send $7million a month to, and they said if we stopped sending the money they would hate us more than they do now!  Really?  When our business gets slow and money is tight, we cut back to the bare necessities.  Why is it not possible to take care of America first (with America's tax dollars) and take care of other countries after we are comfortable?  How many American's go to bed hungry, while the government gives thousands of dollars to people to study the rate of ketchup flow from a glass bottle?  It's like no one there has an ounce of common sense. 
One of my favorite movies is "Dave", where an average guy just happens to look like the president, and gets to walk in his shoes for a time.  At budget meetings, he cuts the fat by eliminating crazy expenditures.  I feel like that is probably more true than we know. 

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