Thursday, October 24, 2013

Racism - Who Is the Minority Here?

I saw a post on facebook by a mother who lives in a military area, and said her daughter came home from school telling that some kids were calling her a "white cracker".  Of course, nothing was said to the name callers.  I feel like if it had been the other way around, and her daughter had used the "n" word, she would have gotten in trouble for it.  A comment on her post stated that white people were never an oppressed race, so no name-calling would make them feel bad. I believe the days of an "oppressed race" have long passed.  If you are black, white, asian, indian, or whatever, and you were born in the United States, you are an American.  NOT an African-American, or Asian-American, or Iranian-American.  The racial slur debate I usually only notice is between black and white.  Or at least it is where I live.  I am white, and I have never had a slave, or known a slave.  My parents didn't have any slaves.  My grandparents didn't have any slaves.  Martin Luther King fought for civil rights, and that is a good thing.  Equality was his wish.  That was achieved a long time ago.  Now that equality has turned into some kind of special privilege.  There is a United Negro College  Association.  If I wanted to make a United White People College Association, there would be a huge uproar.  If you are black, you have never been a slave, and your parents weren't slaves and more than likely your grandparents weren't either.  So be equal.  Don't be a gang member. Pull up your pants.  Be a regular person.  Don't be part of the prison population.  Go to school.  Get a job.  Whatever - just be equal.  If you are white, don't be a gang member.  Pull up your pants. Go to school. Get a job. There are very few 60-year old gangsta's wearing their pants at the bottom of their butt.  That's because eventually, you realize that those things don't improve your earnings, or give you a better life, or make you more popular.
It always irritates me that the news media always has some story about a guy being fired because he was black.  What if it was just because he was a lousy worker?  Color shouldn't make a difference, but it always seems to.  And it seems to me like black people are always claiming their race as the reason for everything - why they got arrested, why they got fired, etc.  And if someone calls you a name, so what?  Not all people are nice.  Sometimes people of all races call names and make fun of others.  Is it right?  No, but not everyone does what is right.  Get over it.  Does someone making fun of you or slamming your race ruin your life?  It shouldn't.  If I don't like what someone has to say, I will probably choose not to hang around with them.  If someone I don't know calls me a name, I will probably ignore it.  It merely shows their insecurities and stupidity. I don't need to sue them or have them arrested for a hate crime.  

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