Thursday, July 30, 2015

The Lion or The Lamb?

So, a dentist killed a lion.  Cecil the lion.  Famous Cecil the lion. Famous Cecil the lion, a major tourist attraction.
Social media has erupted in outrage.  A petition has been sent to the White House to have this man extradited for allegedly illegally killing this lion.  And the White House has agreed to review this petition and make some determination on it.  In the past three years, our government has made over 30 arrests for the illegal trade of rhino horns.

This same White House contains a government that deems it necessary to funnel thousands of dollars to Planned Parenthood for the brutal and gruesome murder of babies. An organization, who we now know, harvests baby parts to sell to the highest bidder.  An organization whose upper-management discusses those sales like they were selling auto parts.  Now, I am all for enforcing the laws, and having reasonable, responsible hunting laws.  But I guess I'm weird - seems to me that humans far outweigh animals on the scale of what's OK to kill and what's not.

How on earth can you say a "fetus" is not a baby?  If that is true, then how can they specifically harvest hearts, or livers? 

And isn't this same government, that funds Planned Parenthood and all their nightmarish efforts, the same government that has a law that says if you kill a pregnant woman, you will be charged with two murders?  What's wrong with this picture?  And the same government that can charge a mother with child abuse or neglect if she chooses to drink and use drugs while pregnant, thereby producing an addicted baby at birth? 

If you're going to have a law, at least have the same law across the board! 

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Guns, Schmuns!

What is Obama's deal with guns?!  I have my speculations, but none of them involve keeping America protected.  Why on earth would he think U.S.citizens would give up their right to bear arms?  I realize there are people who don't like guns.  I know there are plenty of accidents involving guns.  But the crime we see that involves guns has nothing to do with that.  I seriously doubt the liquor store robber stood in line at Walmart waiting for a background check to purchase a gun. 
Didn't we make owning and using cocaine and meth illegal?  How is that working?  The dishonest, criminally-minded people WILL have guns.  Whether it's legal or not. Banning them will only produce a more lucrative job opportunity for guns to sell behind closed doors. 
And how is it that a guy, going to break into your home and rob you will be persuaded to walk the straight and narrow by the knowledge that you have no weapons?  I love those signs I've seen posted that say their neighbors are in favor of gun bans, a "directive", of sorts, to the would-be criminal.
I would not be a bit surprised if Obama declares martial law before his term is up.  This would give him authority to confiscate everyone's guns, thereby leaving them defenseless against the government, and would ensure that no other elections could be held until it was lifted.  I feel like that would spark an uprising like never before! The phrase "The South's Gonna Rise Again" comes to mind.
I live in a rural area and everyone I know owns guns.  They don't own guns so that they can slaughter people.  They are used for hunting and sport shooting.  They don't own machine guns - just rifles, shotguns and pistols.  And I don't know anyone who has killed anybody with them.  In my experience, most people who use guns for hunting have been taught from a young age about the seriousness of owning and operating a gun.  All the cautions that must be used, as well as the responsibility of using and storing a gun. 
And this latest theater shooter in Louisiana took a gun into a place that banned guns.  A place that banned guns for all, even those with conceal & carry permits.  So, he knew no one there would be armed.  So, all the law-abiding citizens who were there, NOT possessing their guns, were now in harms way.  If they had been allowed to have a weapon, maybe fewer people would have been shot.  We will never know.

When were younger, nearly every boy who drove to school had guns in his vehicle.  He may have went hunting before school, or might have been planning to go after school.  No one gave it a second thought.  And I don't remember one single time of those people using their guns to shoot someone.  Again, it all comes back to personal responsibility.  I am pretty sure if anyone had even so much as pointed a gun at another, their dad would have tanned their hide when they got home.  But now days it's so much easier to let your kids run amok and push them into activity after activity so you don't have to deal with them.  The government has made it nearly impossible to discipline your children.  I don't think Dr. Spock could have envisioned our society when he wanted to let children "express" themselves.  I personally didn't earn the right to express myself until I was an adult.  Prior to that, what I did or didn't do was a direct result of my parents - "If you don't get over there and pick that up, you're going to get a spanking." Or, "If you stay out past curfew one more time, we're taking away your car." 

Parenting is not for sissies. It is one of the hardest, yet most rewarding jobs we have.  And our children didn't "ask" to be here.  They are given to us for a short while to love and teach and train. It is a job that is exciting some days, and totally exhausting others.  Parenting is the foundation of our children's whole world.  What is right, what is wrong.  Whether they are "good enough".  Whether they are worthy of being loved. What we do sets the stage for their entire life.  Part of our job is to let them fail from time to time.  Though we want them to have a flawless childhood, that is not practical, nor does it teach them how to cope with life.  I am curious to know about the parenting of these people who raised children who murder people.  I just can't believe how you raise kids who think the world owes them something and that everyone else is to blame for their station in life.  Kids who think revenge is better than seeing that your life is what you make of it. Kids who choose to give up or give in rather than pulling up your boot straps and knowing that tomorrow will be a better day.  I don't get it...

Thursday, July 23, 2015

A Gentle Little Abortion

I hope in light of recently released videos of Planned Parenthood, that these people are exposed for what they really are - gruesome murderers!  How horrific to sip your wine while you casually discuss selling body parts of unborn babies.  What kind of mental state are these people in?  Even people who work in animal slaughter houses experience traumatic emotional stress from the repeated killing. Yet these women, who are in the business of killing babies, and then selling this part or that part of the "specimen" seemed to have no problem discussing it like they were selling Avon. I have to wonder, when these people lay on their death bed, what will be going through their minds?

I decided to visit the Planned Parenthood website. I am appalled at how they make this procedure seem quick and painless, and without effect.  
This is their page, where they describe two kinds of abortion, both of which they refer to as "gentle". I am sorry, but there is nothing "gentle" about vacuuming out a baby and scraping your uterus for any remaining parts.
Here is a photo(borrowed from wyandotcountyrighttolife) of how an abortion is performed on a 23 week baby- grasping at body parts randomly, and finally crushing the head so it can be brought out.

This doesn't look very "gentle" to me.  The vacuum machine simply destroys the baby as it sucks it out, so you don't actually see the parts.  Again, doesn't seem gentle at all.

What I don't understand about this whole thing is why our government can spend MY tax dollars to fund these abortions, without MY consent.  And if they are going to do that, then let's be fair.  Fund the Pregnancy Crisis Centers as well.  Then both sides get fair and equal treatment. If I am correct, our local Pregnancy Crisis Center is funded solely through donations. So, our government thinks it is better to violently kill babies and cause emotional trauma to the mother, than to fund something that would help these mothers to either have and take care of their baby, or put it up for adoption?
And doesn't it take like a million years and big money to be able to adopt a baby?  And aren't there waiting lists a mile long?  Wouldn't it make more sense to give these unwanted babies to people who were anxiously waiting for one? Just seems like common sense to me.  But of course, our government has none of that!


During an aspiration abortion
  • Your health care provider will examine your uterus.
  • You will get medicine for pain. You may be offered sedation — a medicine that allows you to be awake but deeply relaxed.
  • speculum will be inserted into your vagina.
  • Your health care provider may inject a numbing medication into or near your cervix.
  • The opening of your cervix may be stretched with dilators — a series of increasingly thick rods. Or you may have absorbent dilators inserted a day or a few hours before the procedure. They will absorb fluid and get bigger. This slowly stretches open your cervix. Medication may also be used with or without the dilators to help open your cervix.
  • You will be given antibiotics to prevent infection.
  • A tube is inserted through the cervix into the uterus.
  • Either a hand-held suction device or a suction machine gently empties your uterus.
  • Sometimes, an instrument called a curette is used to remove any remaining tissue that lines the uterus. It may also be used to check that the uterus is empty. When a curette is used, people often call the abortion a D&C — dilation and curettage.
An aspiration procedure takes about 5 to 10 minutes. But more time may be needed to prepare your cervix. Time is also needed for talking with your provider about the procedure, a physical exam, reading and signing forms, and a recovery period of about one hour.
- See more at:

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Let's Just Call A Spade A Spade

Fury. Rage. Shame. Disappointment. Anguish. 

These are the feelings I have had as I watch our lame excuse for a president do NOTHING to honor the Marines who were recently killed by a TERRORIST!  We managed to light up the Whitehouse like a rainbow for a bunch of screaming gays who wanted equal rights, but we can't even fly our flags at half-mast for Marines who were serving their country and who were killed by muslims on OUR soil?  Really????

Political correctness is a term my grandfather never knew.  Nor, would he have cared about it.  I continue to hear the phrase "peaceful muslims". That is an oxymoron!  There are no peaceful muslims!  The very book they abide by in their religion says ALL INFIDELS MUST BE KILLED!  What the heck is peaceful about that?  You want to be a muslim?  Fine, but expect to be profiled.  You are living in a country that muslims want to decimate.  Politically incorrect?  So what?!  Freedom of religion is one thing.  But when your religion dictates you commit crimes, as established by our constitution, you lose that freedom.

And I heard a news clip where a guy (sorry, didn't get the name) said at our recruiting stations we should have one soldier trained to use a gun and keep it in the building.   That's the dumbest thing ever!  Aren't our soldiers sent to boot camp and training, where they are taught how to use weapons to be able to fight for our country?  Why are they only allowed to use weapons to protect themselves and us on foreign soil?  I realize this was put in place by George Bush Sr., but that was before terrorists came to America.  We were able to change the definition of marriage, but we can't allow trained Marines to arm themselves?  What's wrong with this picture?

Our president has disgraced this nation time and time again.  I don't know one person who voted for him.  EVER.  I don't know one person who thinks he is doing a great job. I don't know one person who thinks he should remain in his position.  So, why are we not charging him with treason?  Or impeaching him?  Who is allowing all this nonsense to continue?  Where do I go to file a complaint with the government? 

MY tax dollars are funding planned parenthood.  I object!  I am an American Citizen.  I am supposed to be able to vote to determine the actions of our government.  Why doesn't my vote count?  I am NOT in favor of killing babies, born or unborn.  I am NOT in favor of selling their body parts like they were cuts of beef.

As I see these horrendous things happening, I must wonder - would Obama still be in favor of bowing to his "brothers" is they beheaded his wife?  His children?  If they planted a bomb under his car?  Is he really in favor of all this crap, or is he so far removed from the effects of it that he doesn't have to think about it?

I want my president to have a variety of qualities.  He should be kind.  He should be an eloquent speaker.  He should have morals.  He should be well-versed in the workings of the government.  He should be experienced in conducting business. Personally, I prefer him to be a God-fearing Christian.  But above all those things, he should be an AMERICAN, and a patriotic American at that.  One who loves his country and all that it stands for.  One who believes our forefathers did a good thing by coming here.  One who wants to continue all the things that America stands for.  I don't think in all the years Obama has been in office he has ever even produced a birth certificate to prove he was an American citizen!  How on earth did this guy ever get to where he is?

Friday, July 17, 2015

CNN News Anchor Involved in Gunfight

I guess I only have one question about this attempted robbery that ended with the perpetrator being killed:


Why has no one cried out using the RACE card?  If this had been a white man robbing a black couple, I am almost certain it would have been charged as a "hate crime".  Fair is fair.  It seems every time a white cop has to kill a black person in the midst of that person committing or attempting to commit a crime, it is racist and there are riots everywhere. 

And has it occurred to anyone, besides me, that if these people weren't attempting to commit a crime, or disobeying police orders to stop, there would be no need to shoot anyone?  And if all these people who are crying for GUN control, would instead cry for CRIME control, we would all have a lot less to worry about.

Most times, the people committing crimes, as was the case with this incident, have a long rap sheet of past run-in's with the law.  Obviously their prior punishments were not enough of a deterrent to make them want to stop doing illegal things.  That's because they know the worst they will get is a slap on the wrist, and a little time at the gray-bar hotel.  And during their stay there, they will be given 3 meals a day, TV, weight-lifting opportunities, outdoor recreational time,and an opportunity to take some online classes if they wish.What kind of punishment is that?

If we had stronger crime control and greater punishment for crimes, the rate would be significantly lower.  Why do criminals sit in prison for years while my tax dollars pay to house them?  If you intentionally take another's life, and witnesses saw you do it, and there is no question as to your guilt, then what is the hold-up?  You should get a speedy trial and be executed immediately thereafter.  If your crime was not violent, but your punishment is a prison sentence, then it should be PRISON.  I guarantee you the people who worked on chain gangs did NOT want to go back to prison when they were released.  Let's reinstate some hard physical labor of prisoners.  I know there are those who will say it violates their rights.  THEY violated their own rights the instant they committed a crime.  They did it knowing it was wrong and if they got caught they would be punished. You think your actions are without consequences?  Every action has a consequence - some good and some bad. If you knew you would get 20 years hard labor with barely enough food and water to sustain you, that might make you think twice before you robbed a liquor store or mugged someone or sold drugs.

I just don't understand...

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Confederate Flag - Myth or Fact?

I suppose the fact that I was not alive when slavery was active in the United States makes me have little understanding about this new controversy.  But, I just don't get it. 
The best I understand, what we now refer to as the "Confederate Flag" was originally designed by William Porcher Miles, Chairman of the Flag and Seals Committee.  It was proposed to be used as our national flag, but was instead chosen as a battle flag by the Army of North Virginia under General Robert E. Lee.  This is not the same flag some refer to as a "rebel flag".
So this flag has been in existence for some 150 years, and has been displayed by a number of both public and private sectors all the while.  What happened in the last few weeks that made this particular flag such a big deal?  I wonder if the people who are raising a stink about this know that it was created by the democrats. The party of our president in office right now. The party who fought and lost lives to keep slavery.  The party who believes in the government "providing" for the people, and thus, controlling the people. 
Like it or not, it is part of the history of these United States.  It has been displayed in various places for many years.  Today it is offensive? Why wasn't it offensive in the 50's, 60's or 70's? 
I'll tell you what offends me.  The NAACP.  The ACLU.  The United Negro College Fund.  It offended me many years ago, and still does today.  Think they will dissolve because I am offended?  Doubt it. How does one get something removed for being offensive?  I have been offended by many TVshows and movies, but so far, haven't found anyone who cares. 
I have said this before, but slavery is part of our history.  It was not pleasant.  I am sorry for those who had to endure.  But no one alive right now has any first-hand knowledge of that.  I do not wish to resume the practice of slavery of black people, as I feel it is unjust.  But all those who are making a big deal about this, do you realize the people you keep voting for are making you slaves?  And color doesn't matter any more.  We are all being forced into slavery.  Our "government" is now controlling our health care system. They are making people think they are "owed" something.  They are making them feel good about receiving welfare benefits, and making them further dependent upon the government. Our government is attempting to control our religions, which is why the United States was formed in the first place.
Wake up, people!  Our government has far overstepped their bounds in what they have control of.  Their job is to protect rights.  But those very rights are what are being slowly taken away from the American people.  When we wake up one day to realize we live in a socialist country, it will be too late to change it. 

Monday, July 13, 2015

All A Bunch Of Hypocrites!

As I read all the posts and comments on social networks, blogs, etc., I see many statements by Christians simply stating their opinions on the newest gay rights controversy.  For the most part, they are not hateful and condemning, but rather reiterating what the Bible has to say about it, that it is wrong. Yes, there are a few radicals, but I feel the majority are not.
But the replies I have read from those in favor of gay rights and gay marriage are atrocious! Most of the responses are, "You have no right to judge me", or "Only God can judge me",one that said "I would rather go to hell than be with you Christians".
First of all, aren't these "rights" gay people claim to have to be free to live their lifestyle and get legally married, the very same "rights" I have to say I disagree? Or did I lose my rights when they gained theirs? And didn't they say all they wanted was to have the same rights as everyone else?  The right to have legal marital status?  So why, now, are there lawsuits popping up against Bible publishers and bakeries?  Neither of them interfered with that right. Does this mean it was all a false front?  Merely a door opening for "special privileges"? Isn't that hypocritical to say one thing and do or mean another?
Secondly, if I am not mistaken, I believe these same people who spew hatred for Christians and God, are the very same people who ask people to pray for them or a loved one when there is an illness or injury and death appears eminent.  And the same people who reply to others' requests for prayer that they are "praying".  So, who are you praying to?  And who is it you hope others pray to when you need help?  I believe if I hated God and Christians as much as you say you do, I would ask nothing of them.
And to the one post I saw that said they would rather go to hell than be around Christians, I believe you will get your wish. And it won't be funny and you will regret your decision for an eternity. If you knew what a future in hell looked like, you would not be saying things like that.
So, for all those that call Christians hypocrites, you are right - there are many.  But there are also many who are not.  For some reason, a lot of people think Christians should live perfect lives. Though we strive to, we are human and fail miserably many times.  Being a Christian doesn't mean we live above everyone else.  It means we know what we deserve, but through the grace of God, He forgives our sins and loves us anyway. And that brings a peace that only Christians can know.  God says ALL will stand before Him, and ALL will confess that He is Lord.  And on that day, whatever lame excuse you may have for rejecting Him will not matter - it will be too late.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Let's Sue the LGBT!!!

So, the saga continues.  A gay man is suing Bible publishers for references to homosexuality. Aren't these the SAME people who previously stated that "God loves everyone"  and "God made me this way".  So now they are acknowledging that God says it is wrong?  What is wrong with these people? 
In the beginning, they said they wanted "equal rights"  and "the right to be married".  Did they not get what they wanted?  And now that's not enough?  I am sure the LGBT has things written in their organizational and structural documents that is offensive to me.  Maybe I'll sue them for the anguish it has caused me.  I have read many things over the years that were offensive.  I have seen TV commercials that were offensive.  I have sat next to a foul-mouthed person at a football game and that was offensive to me. People have said hurtful things to me. 
When I was little and would run home to tell my mom someone did something mean to me, her response was always the same - "Then don't play with them anymore."  If what the Bible says offends you, then use your right NOT to read it!  If you don't like the fact that I disagree with your lifestyle, then DON"T ask me how I feel about it!  Be whatever it is you feel you need to be, and be grateful you live in a country where you are free to choose.  Stop stepping on MY rights to disagree with you! You want to marry the same sex? You got your wish.  It's legal.  Stop whining about every last thing and enjoy your new-found freedom. A baker doesn't want to participate in your lifestyle by declining to bake your wedding cake?  GO SOMEWHERE ELSE!  Leave them alone!  Tell all your gay friends never to go there if you wish, but leave them alone!
I disagree with other religious "books" - the quran has many things that offend me, like advising muslims that infidels must be killed.  The book of mormon has things that are offensive to me. THEREFORE, I do not study, nor abide by their teachings.  But because we live in a country where everyone has the right to believe as they wish, I don't infringe on others who observe the principles and teachings of those books.
So, to all the gay people, you have stepped on MY RIGHTS.  My right to flip through the TV channels without seeing a gay couple.  My right to disagree with your lifestyle.  My right to say I disagree with your lifestyle.  My right to refuse to serve you if I so choose, even though we have a sign that says we can refuse to serve anyone for any reason.
It's not enough that you people have screamed loud enough for enough years to get to "marry" another, but you want the world to celebrate and participate in your sin.  I am not knocking on your door begging you to go to church every Sunday and condemning your lifestyle, so why are you not satisfied with what you have? When is it enough?  We Christians know God's love is not shown or felt by shouting loudly in someone's ear, but rather by the quiet assurance and peace in your heart.  So, while you were shouting from the mountain tops about your "rights", we have been quietly and fervently praying for you, while being careful not to infringe on your "rights" to live this lifestyle.  And now you wish to trample us into the ground?  That is not acceptable to me.  And you will not quiet me.
I feel that if a Christian coalition were to be established, maybe a class action suit could be brought against the LGBT for violating the rights of Christians across the country. For stepping on my freedom of speech.  For offending my freedom of religion.  And I am pretty sure, even though we have a right to assemble, an assembly of people protesting gay people would result in arrests.  I just never cease to be amazed at what goes on in this country, and the judges who permit it.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Welcome to My Padded World

I'm constantly reminded of the Boy Who Lived In A Bubble, so protected that nothing could harm him.  There continues to be people, government, etc. who want to keep removing things from us.  Let's remove the Confederate Flag - might offend someone.  Let's take away guns - might kill someone.  We should probably take away silverware - someone could be impaled with a fork or butter knife.  And we should certainly take away cars - just look at how many lives are lost with them.  We should increase the number of rolls of duct tape made to cover everyone's mouth - just in case they might offend another person.  Do these idiots really think if we remove all chances of violence and totally pad the world we live in it will make nicer people?  Where the heck has personal responsibility gone?
How about we teach our kids self-control?  And respect for others?  And respect for authority?  What if we gave our teachers the ability to punish kids for bad behavior?  And what if we made the murderers responsible for the killings and not the guns?  The Nazi flag and Hitler are a part of history.  Should we not mention it because it is unpleasant?  And who is it that thinks you are going to go through life and never be offended by someone? How about instead of ADHD and zombie medication we spend time with our kids and enforce rules?  I can't tell you how many kids in the upcoming generation I have seen get mad and hit or spit at their parents.  This is OK, but a Confederate Flag is not? 
Regardless of the laws or rules our government tries to make or enforce, it all starts at home.  AT HOME!  I am constantly amazed as I watch parents typing away on their cell phones while their kids are desperately trying to get their attention.  And parents who spare no expense to ensure their children have the finest toys and enroll in the most sports.  I hate to tell you, but your kids could care less about that stuff.  What they want are parents who love them, love spending time with them, and LISTEN to them!  Go off the grid for a few hours a day.  Turn off that darn phone.  Make mud pies!  Dig worms!  DO something one-on-one with them.  Let them know they are important to you.  Let them experience some failure.  If you always get a trophy, what does that say?  In a race, there can be only one winner.  Of course their efforts should be praised, but you don't get to win everything, every time.  That's life.  Some people are nice to you.  Others are mean.  Some things are fair.  Some are not.
Our job as parents is not to have a competition with other parents.  Our job is to raise responsible, well-rounded, productive kids who are ready to tackle the real world once they leave the nest. I was always tickled at the parents I heard saying, "Well, MY kids don't do that.  MY kids would never act that way."  Meanwhile, my kids were coming home saying what little Johnny or Susie did over the weekend, and it was all I could do to not tell those parents, "Your kids are doing the same thing every other kid is doing - partying, speeding, etc."  Don't get me wrong - mine were no angels, and I wasn't stupid enough to think they were.  They had consequences for their actions.  They hated us on more than one occasion.  We were "unfair" many times.  I spanked my kids when they were little.  They knew should they ever decide to draw back as though to hit me, they would have a very red behind that day. They may not have always liked us, but they knew better than to disrespect us.
To those who think "spanking" is "beating" you are wrong.  As a child the fear of pain from a spanking is what kept me from doing a lot.  And if we were doing something wrong, any adult was likely to twist our ear or give us a swat, then tell our folks, who would probably hand out another spanking when we got home.  And there was always that walking spanking that was the worst.  Mom would grab one hand and swat me every step home while shouting in my ear. I lived.  I grew up.  I knew better than to do that again.
Until we return to a place where parents can teach and discipline their kids, this world will continue to go to hell in a handbasket. And taking away every possible sharp object or harsh word won't make a hoot of a difference if we don't teach personal responsibility for our actions.  Let's stop being "politically correct" and start being "Biblically correct"!

Monday, July 6, 2015

The Butcher, The Baker, The Mental Pain Maker

Oh. My. Goodness.  I have just read that the bakery who refused to make a wedding cake for a lesbian couple has been ordered to pay that couple $135,000 for pain and suffering.  Really?  Would this same couple have sued if they were just too booked up to make their cake?  Or what about if they were known in their town for not paying their bills.  Or what if they were just big jerks?  Is there any acceptable reason to refuse service to someone?  And in my book, this is definitely considered infringement on freedom of religion. 
If I own a business, I should have the right to serve or not serve anyone I choose.  For any reason I choose.  EVEN if it is discriminatory!  Of course, I will be subject to the repercussions of my actions by the people I refuse to serve.  They may tell their friends and those friends may never patronize my business.  But it is still my right to choose! But do they have the right to sue me for something I have not done?  Does this mean that if I go to a bar and get in a fight and the owner tells me not to return, I can  now sue him for my mental anguish caused by not being able to go back there?  How about if I go to Walmart and shoplift and they tell me not to come back?  This opens the door to a host of stupid lawsuits.  And who on earth are the judges who rule on these cases?  Do they not have any common sense?
I can understand if the bakery agreed to make the cake, and then a day prior to the wedding changed their mind.  That would be too close to get another.  But this was months before their wedding, and there was no agreement, ever.  So what the heck are they suing for? 
And homosexual people are saying they are discriminated against.  Now, I can't speak for anyone else, but discrimination should be a term used for something a person can't help, like the color of their skin, or their mental capacity.  Who you choose to have sex with is most definitely something that is changeable.  I hear, "You can't help who you love"over and over.  But doesn't society look down on that poor girl who stays with her abusive husband because she "loves" him.  And I am pretty sure the DFS would be a little discriminatory against the girl whose boyfriend that was charged with child molestation continues to let him live in her home, even though she can't help who she loves. 
I feel for this bakery owner.  This will most likely put them out of business, all because they didn't want to make a cake.  And their right to free enterprise has been taken away.  How sad.