Friday, September 25, 2015

Americans Don't Want a Muslim Holiday

I have been following a facebook post by the Tea Party regarding the muslim women who wanted a Jersey City school board to declare a day off for a muslim holiday.  The only thing that comes to mind is "Redneck"!  Of course, I am a redneck, so I can use this label freely!

Nearly every comment is for the muslims to go home if they don't like it here in America.  And I agree!  These same women who are supposedly of the muslim faith, and shouting at a school board meeting.  Aren't muslim women not allowed to speak in public?  How can you follow that faith, but only pick and choose what you abide by?

This is the land of freedom and opportunity.  If you are muslim and came to America legally, and wish to observe this religion, that's your right.  But you aren't simply wanting to observe a faith and culture that is foreign to America and all that America stands for.  You are wanting all of America to celebrate it with you.  Not gonna happen!

We Americans are a funny people.  We are divided by race and religion, political affiliation and economic status.  But when you push us into a corner, all those things fall by the wayside and we are just plain Americans.  Patriotic Americans.  Americans who are willing to put our differences aside and unite for a cause. And the majority of us are redneck Americans.  Rednecks who aren't afraid to stand their ground for what they believe is right and good and fair.  Rednecks who are willing to pack their pistols and rifles and meet you wherever you want to defend this nation of ours. 

As I have followed this post and all the comments made, in the beginning, there were random interjections by muslim people, but the "go home" comments far outweigh those. 

Our fathers and grandfathers and brothers and sisters have fought and died to preserve what we have.  And if you think you're going to step in and take that away, you've got another thing coming.  We love our country, unlike you.  We don't want to live anywhere else in the world besides here.  And most of us are willing to fight to keep it that way.  So if you want to immigrate here legally and work and pay taxes like the rest of us, fine.  If you want to be muslim, fine.  But do it without trying to infringe on what has taken generations to create.  If you are so offended by America and it's customs, I am sure we can arrange some people who will gladly pay your airline ticket back home.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

A Muslim Holiday...In America?

(Image credit WNBC)

So some think we would observe Muslim holidays?  I can hardly believe this!  First, America is NOT a muslim country.  Second, YOU came HERE.  If you don't like America's customs and holidays, GO HOME! 

America is largely a Christian nation.  There are many religions observed by our citizens, and as far as I know, Christmas is the only Christian holiday observed, and as commercialized as it has become, I am not even sure I would label it a Christian holiday at this point in time. 

If you want to live in OUR country, fine.  If you want to be muslim, fine.  But don't expect OUR country to recognize YOUR country's holidays.  If you want to be sure you are off work for religious holidays, move back to YOUR country!

And speaking of religion, except for Satanism, all other religions observed by United States citizens are religions that teach kindness, love and compassion for others.  YOUR religion teaches hate, violence and killing.  You think we want to observe those characteristics?  Guess again!

I would not expect to move to Iran or Afghanistan and throw a fit because this largely muslim country doesn't let me have the day off for a Christian holiday.  (And I would probably be imprisoned or beheaded for asking.)

Hush up and go home. 

Monday, September 21, 2015

Kill the Infidels!

I continue to be in a bit of a quandry about the muslim religion.

If I go by what I hear on the news, there are two types of muslims:  Peaceful ones and Radical ones.  So do those two groups have different quran's?  If I understand correctly, the quran teaches to be peaceful, like God, but it also teaches that if you are not muslim, you are an infidel, and must be killed. How can muslims claim they are a peaceful people if they abide by this command in the quran?

So, the great "allah" teaches two different things in the same book?  And I believe the "muslims" think all Christians are evil and must be removed.  So, doesn't it stand to reason if there are "peaceful" muslims and "radical" muslims, then there could also be "evil" Christians and "good" Christians?  And why are we expected to be tolerant and accepting of the muslim religion, but they are not expected to be tolerant and accepting of Christians?  If you moved here and are offended and don't like this culture, go home.  Why do they come here, knowing our laws and cultural beliefs, and then claim offense to what goes on here?  I feel for the lady who shared the political cartoon asking why they came here if they are offended by everything we do.  Why did they come here?  If I moved to China, I would not feel as though I had the right to immediately claim that their customs offended me.  I would assume I would have to fit in to their existing cultures - otherwise, I would stay where I was.

Our nation of largely-Christian people has been tolerant until we are now the  minority and the least defended in a court of law.  If you are muslim, and you buy land, you buy it as-is. The fact that you don't do pork should not give you the right to demand your neighbor's pig farm be shut down.  And if you are of the muslim faith and came to America legally and became a citizen, then you are an American.  NOT a muslim American.  I feel muslims should be allowed to worship however they choose, but not if it infringes on my rights.  And how many muslims have headed up organizations like "Feed The Children"  or "Red Cross"?  We as Americans, and we as Christians have tried to do our part to be productive not only to our country, but to come to the aid of other countries when we are able. If you want to be an accepted, participatory American, then do something to give back. 

So, I guess the question really is, "Why did you come here?"  If you disagree with our customs and culture, what would make you want to come here and be a member of our country?

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Ahmed's Clock

Continually amazed at what goes on in this country! 

First, why has everyone cried "racism"?  If any other color of student brought that same contraption to school, I feel that the same thing would have happened. Is there no one in a position of authority in our schools that has common sense?  Why would you call the police without finding out the facts first?

Our government has taken away the right of schools and school officials to make any disciplinary decisions.  If this kid took it to show his teacher, didn't the teacher know him?  Don't teachers know which kids are normal and which ones are "out there"?  And why were his parents not called first?  Obviously they are middle-upper class people.  If this kid made a "bomb" or a "hoax bomb", why on earth would he show it to a teacher?  Kids who do that usually don't volunteer that they have a bomb, or at least not to a teacher.

This comes from the government meddling in private lives way too much.  When my son was 7, yes SEVEN, he was sent to the principal's office for shooting spit wads.  I had to go see the principal for spit wads.  In my day, the teacher would have promptly handled the situation without a call to the parents or notification of the principal - they would have told me to knock it off.  They might have made me stay in from recess.  They may have had me wash the wall.  But they wouldn't have contacted the principal.  I don't get why teachers immediately throw up their hands and bow out of every situation.  Are they not allowed to handle those things?

And if this kid showed this clock to his teacher, did the teacher not examine it?  I just don't get it.  Most likely he didn't show this to his P.E. teacher or his English teacher - I assume he showed it to a physics or chemistry teacher, one who would have been interested in his invention. 

Why is is that every thing that happens today is immediately directed at discrimination?  I don't feel that was the case here, but I don't know why the police were called.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Indecent Exposure vs. Free The Nipple

In a town not to far from me, there has been some recent controversy over a "free the nipple" rally.  It is my understanding this is promoted by women who want gender equality. 

I guess my first question is, "Why?"  Why do you want gender equality?  I don't.  I want men to open the door for me.  I want men to protect me.  If God wanted gender equality, we would all have been the same gender.  Men and women were made different for a reason.  We each come with our own unique qualities.

Men were made to be logical thinkers.  Their bodies are made to be more muscular in preparation for physical work.  They are wired to be the "hunter", the "protector",  the "master".  Women are emotional thinkers.  Women's bodies are made for childbearing. Women were not designed to work in the same capacity as men.  Women are the "caretakers", the "nurturers".

And as to the "nipples", as far as I know the sight of a man's nipple doesn't stimulate women.  But the sight of a woman's nipple DOES stimulate men. So, why do all you women want to expose yourself?  Some say to promote public breastfeeding.  Maybe I am from the old school, but there is such a thing as modesty.  I breastfed both my kids, but never in public.  Some things are meant to be private, and I believe that is one of them. 

It's kind of like sex.  It is meant to be shared between a husband and a wife - in the privacy of their home.  Not in front of children.  Not in front of an audience.  Not for display. 

Why on earth anyone would want to parade around naked is beyond me. There are things I don't want small children to see, and that's one of them.  And like or not, there are plenty of weirdos out there, and whatever your reason to display your nipples, they are taking note.

And if one of these women were my child, I would have given a long lecture at the very least!  Shame on you.  Grow up and put some clothes one!

Friday, September 11, 2015

911 May We Never Forget

I remember it clearly.  My husband and I were up getting ready for work as news broke of a plane crashing the Twin Towers.  We stood there watching, wondering just how something could have gone so wrong. Surely the plane lost power or something to cause the pilot to lose total control and crash right into a building.  How wrong we were.

As the second plane crashed into the buildings, it was now apparent, this was no accident. Silence.  Silence all over the country as citizens stood by watching breaking news reports. No explanations, nothing logical, only silence.

Looking back, we have certainly changed over these 14 years. Our country, on that day stood together as AMERICANS.  Not black or white; not baptist or catholic; not male or female.  Just Americans. Patriotic Americans.  Americans who were appalled at these horrific terrorists.  Americans who were angry and ready to hop on a plane and do some hand-to-hand combat with these terrorists. Americans who were astounded that anyone had the audacity to do this.  Americans who joined together to search for survivors and to help those they found.  Americans willing to leave the comfort of their homes and volunteer whatever assistance was needed.

Times have changed by leaps and bounds since then.  Now these same Americans are afraid to offend the muslims. Afraid to stand up for what they believe in.  Worried about being politically correct.  Standing by while our Americans are publicly beheaded. Our country has become divided by race, religion and culture. We have lost that sense of comradery with our fellow Americans.  I fear we have forgotten that feeling of unity, anger and tragedy that occurred on 9/11.  How sad that our country seems to be falling apart by this divisiveness.

May we continually be reminded of those true Americans who sacrificed their lives to come to the assistance of those injured in this tragedy. And may we never forget that patriotic spirit that coursed through America's veins that day.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Obama Thinks Ordinary People Are Small Minded

Here is the link to this entire speech, made by Obama to Europeans about Russia.  He states ..."ordinary men and women are too small-minded to govern their own affairs..."

Ok, so he was talking about Russians, but really?  I think I am ordinary, as well.  And I don't believe I am too "small-minded" to govern my own affairs.  As a matter of fact, I would challenge the president to a fast-paced game of Boggle, and I'll bet I would win!

Whether you are talking about Russians, Americans, or anyone else for that matter, the fact that he thinks all individuals should surrender their thinking and actions to a "sovereign entity" sounds like....ummmm... Hitler, maybe?

Obama has disgraced our country time and time again.  He has tried to squelch every law-abiding citizen while giving countless benefits to illegal immigrants.  He lets American children go hungry at night while he funnels billions to countries who want to destroy us.  He has made countless "executive orders"  that I swear are unconstitutional.  He has bowed to foreign religious leaders while refusing to salute our American flag. He forces middle-class people to work like dogs, and then taxes them beyond the breaking point for stupid healthcare and welfare.

I   HAVE    HAD   ENOUGH!!!!

Why has he not been impeached?  He has violated his agreement with the American people.  He has forgotten (or maybe he knew it all along) that he was elected to SERVE the American people.  To REPRESENT the American people.  To HELP the American people.  The president's office is for the sole purpose of making sure our constitutional laws are faithfully carried out.  I don't believe he is free to pick and choose which laws are enforced. 

He is making a deal with Iran that will eventually destroy this country as we know it.  Does he think HE will be exempted from death and torture by muslims?  Not a chance.  They have no value of the human life.  Will he still feel good about this deal if his daughters are forced to marry a 50-year old muslim who has 10 wives?  What about if his wife is on a plane that is flown into an American building, in honor of Allah, of course?

He is quickly advancing persecution of Christians.  Everyone has "civil rights", except for straight, white, Christians.

So, whether he was speaking to Russians in his speech, it reflects his thoughts about people in general.  Apparently he believes we are all morons.  I am sorry, but he should check the mirror once in a while.  I want him out of office.  I want him impeached. Shame on Obama for not being a patriotic American and putting the needs of the people at the top of the list.  When we stand before God on that final judgment day, I believe he will ask for mercy and find none.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

...And the Persecution of Christians Begins...

I see they have taken Kim Davis into custody for refusing to issue marriage licenses to homosexual couples.

I just don't know what to think. From what I have researched, the federal government has left whether or not to recognize gay marriage up to the individual states.  And I believe the state of Kentucky has determined that union to only be between a man and a woman.  I know the supreme court handed down a "ruling" about gay marriage, but I don't believe that superscedes the states' laws currently in place. And last time I checked, the supreme court didn't have the capacity to enact or change laws - only to make rulings and judgments on laws already in place.

And I believe the judge that took her into custody warned her deputies in her office not to refuse, or they would suffer the same fate.  I thought the deputies couldn't conduct business if the clerk were no longer "acting".  

I agree with her stance, and were I in her shoes, I probably would have done the same thing. I also think if I were a gay couple, I would just go to another county and be done with it.  But that never seems to be the path gay people take. 

I suppose her county could impeach her, but I am sure that is a lengthy process.  I do, however, wonder what would happen if all others in that county's elected positions who shared her views walked out in protest.  I saw the chaos on the news of the nasty people shouting in her face in her office. I am pretty sure if I showed up at my courthouse acting like that, I would be taken to jail. Why is it OK for them to be loud and out of control in the courthouse, but she is the only one charged and taken to jail?

And while this is making headlines, Hillary Clinton, who may end up being indicted for jeopardizing our national security, and who plainly lied about Benghazi, is being allowed to campaign for president?  I guess if you know the right people, you really are above the law.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

25 Years On Death Row

Missouri executed Roderick Nunley after 25 years on death row.  He had confessed to the abduction, rape and killing of  15 year-old Ann Harrison.  And upon charges being filed and a confession, the girl's hair was found at Nunley's mother's home, where the incident took place.

So why, when this violent criminal was convicted of these crimes, AFTER evidence supported, and AFTER he confessed, did he sit on death row for 25 years? Why did my tax dollars pay to house this guy all that time?  Why was his lawyer allowed to file an appeal, claiming that death by lethal injection was cruel and inhumane? 

I understand innocent until proven guilty.  I understand the filing of an appeal if there is no confession or no physical evidence, as we certainly don't want innocent people being executed if they are truly innocent.  But I don't understand why it takes 25 years to carry out the sentence handed down. You want an appeal?  OK, make one.  But what exactly was this guy appealing?  He did it. He said he did it.  There was evidence to prove he did it.  The court convicted him.  What's left?  If we carried out executions within the month of sentence, we would have less populated prisons, less frivolous appeals, and less tax dollars for housing inmates.  And as for lethal injection being cruel - I believe if you are sentenced to be executed, it was for a violent crime.  And a calm, controlled death is far more than you deserve.

Are these long continuances a ploy by lawyers just to make an extra buck?  I can't say for sure, but that is what I suspect.  And what a waste of the judge's time and taxpayer dollars to even allow these people back into court.

As for rights of prisoners, if you confessed to and were convicted of a violent crime, you no longer have rights.  You gave those up the moment you committed that crime.  And if prison weren't a walk in the park, it might be more of a deterrent for criminals.  If they knew they would be subject to the bare minimum and hard manual labor, they might not be so nonchalant about committing those crimes. 

Seems like no one in the justice system can get a handle on our crime and prisoners.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015


Oh, my gosh!  Another policeman has been shot today.  Is there an end to all this violence?  When will it be enough?

Protesters recently blocked I-70.  Now, it is my understanding that a "protest" is permissible, but not when it is obstructing high-speed traffic.  Why weren't all those people immediately arrested?  I live near an interstate.  I am pretty sure that if I rounded up 30 friends and we stopped traffic there, we would all be hauled off to jail.  But because these people were protesting in the name of "black lives matter", all was overlooked.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but this black lives matter movement is only serving to insert additional racial tensions into the lives of every American. And I believe that unemployed thugs are merely using this "movement" as an avenue to commit crimes and take revenge on policemen.

ALL lives matter. If your life mattered to you, you would be working at a job, and wouldn't have time to stand in the middle of an interstate and stop traffic.  I am not a racist person.  But I know some white people who are. All black people are not participating in the riots and protests. But the ones who are continue to give an appearance that is totally inhumane. Those protests and policemen shootings are either going to prompt policemen to change careers, thereby leaving a large portion of the population unprotected, or it is going to anger the policemen so that there are more shootings of suspected criminals, in the name of self-defense. 

I think the protests (which, in my town are only allowed by obtaining a permit) should be temporarily suspended.  By that, I mean the president should put a halt to all riots and protesting.  Enforced by giving permission to shoot anyone looting or rioting on sight.  Most people doing that don't think they will get caught, and if they do, there will be a long, drawn-out court case.  End it.  End it now.  When the white policeman shot a black suspect, it was racism. When a black man shot a white reporter and cameraman, we needed more gun control.  Law is law.  Fair is fair. Call it what it is.  Stop worrying about gun control and enforce the laws we have.  And punish swiftly. 

How many people, black OR white, are going to have to lose their lives before this chaos ends?

Obama, The Movie Star

Our illustrious potentate continues to amaze me!  At a time when our nation is in total chaos, our president leaves the White house to appear with Bear Grylls in Alaska?  Makes me think of that youtube video with the sedated kid who asks, "Is this real life?"

And why is he renaming a mountain?  First, who cares?  Second, can he really do that?  Wasn't Mt. Mckinley named after a president?  And our president is concerned about global warming and climate change, but Christians getting beheaded and selling aborted baby parts just don't rate high enough?  I don't get it.

Is global warming real?  I personally don't know what I think about that.  I'm not saying landscapes aren't changing, but hasn't our earth changed many times?  And if you want to talk about global warming, wait until the Rapture occurs and God destroys the earth with fire.  THAT is global warming.

We have white policemen who are afraid to do their jobs, especially if it involves a black criminal.  We have black people chanting to burn cops and calling them "pigs".  Does that same freedom of speech mean the policemen can gather in the streets and shout "Nail the Niggers"? Fair is fair, after all.  We have people of all cultures and races who formerly lived and worked together, now harboring racial tension, all due to our president, I believe.  Our rights to "assemble" and protest is now the right to loot and burn down neighborhoods.  How can all this be happening in modern-day America?

We deny our veterans medical care, yet offer immunity and free health care to illegal immigrants.  We let our American children go to bed hungry in a cardboard box, yet send millions to third-world countries who hate our guts.

And in the midst of all this, our president goes on a hike with a reality show star?

I guess I would liken this to when a "loved one" (remember that term) is gravely ill.  In the hospital, near death. Don't we sit by their side, hold their hand and try to ease their pain?  Try to give them some hope or comfort?  Any president worth ANYTHING would see our current situation as one that required an all-night vigil until things were better.  Of course, that would be, if our president "loved" America and valued it...