Friday, August 28, 2015

Teaching Life Skills

As I have grown older, I have noticed that this up and coming generation has few, if any, "life skills".  I have decided if I ever get the chance, I would love to teach a life skills class at our local vo-tech school.
As a business owner, I am amazed at the young people who come in and have trouble with basic communication, and some who walk in with a checkbook and have no idea how to write a check.
I see these kids come in to "apply" for a job, and they have no idea what applying for a job entails, or how your attitude and appearance affects your ability to get a job.
They don't know a thing about balancing a checkbook.  They have trouble following simple directions.  They can't count money or make change.
I am not sure how this generation has missed what we all considered "basic" knowledge, but it's missing, for sure.
When my kids were small, we gave them life lessons as we lived.  We played games that required counting money. Games that taught strategy, as well as learning that not everyone wins every time.  Sometimes you lose, and that's OK.
We taught them respect for authority, and respect for others.  They learned the hard way that being honest has tangible rewards, and being dishonest affects you for a long time.
I worked "on the side" doing taxes and bookkeeping.  They learned that sometimes you have to work extra hard to make ends meet.  They also got periodic lectures about how taxes work.
They learned patience, while enduring many lectures about character and integrity (complete with eye-rolling).
One child, who shall remain nameless, learned that when mom and dad find out you had a party while they were out of town, your friends' parents get a phone call telling them all about it.  And you have to go apologize to their parents.
Personal responsibility has been lost somewhere.  Everything is not only "not my fault", but apparently there are no longer any accidents - SOMEONE is to blame and SOMEONE will pay for whatever has happened.
I am not sure what the answer is, but someone, somewhere, sometime needs to enlighten our children to the way life should work, in every aspect of their lives - physically, emotionally, spiritually, etc.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

No Guns = Lovely People...?

In the wake of the Virginia reporter shootings, the only thing our illustrious president has to say is "gun control"?
How about crime control?  How about law enforcement?  In our small town, local citizens know which convicted felons still possess guns, but our law enforcement fails to find them.  We know which neighborhood homes manufacture meth, but our law enforcement is not allowed to invade them for months, sometimes years.  Why?

When it's your 6th DWI offense, why do they still let people back on the streets after a couple of years good behavior? 

And why is the media claiming this Virginia shooter was mentally ill?  Sometimes when people do crazy things, it's because they are people who have never claimed any personal responsibility for their lives.  Everything is someone else's fault.  These are people with little self-esteem.  If they valued their own life, it would give more value to everyone else's lives.

So let's assume that the president manages to take away all guns in the United States. Make it illegal to possess a gun.  Isn't that what we did with cocaine and heroin? How's that going? Let's make it illegal to drink and drive.  Oh, wait - it already is.  That's why people who have been convicted multiple times and have no driver's license continue to hop in a car while they are wasted and drive anyway. There are no enforced penalties - unless you are a white, straight, Christian baker.

Is there no one out there with any common sense?  It's not nice to say the "N" word.  But you know what?  People do it anyway.  But calling names has been going on since the beginning of time.  Get over it.  Why can't we concentrate on important issues? If there is no doubt that if you get caught committing a crime, you will go directly to jail, and NOT be given TV, internet, books, etc. and will be forced to do hard manual labor, how many people would be willing to take that risk?  If you knew that if you committed a violent crime, you would be publicly hanged, would it be worth it?  But if you knew the worst you would get is a few years in a place where you get healthy meals, TV, basketball, schooling, etc., what's the deterrent there?

I just don't get why we continue to worry about stupid things while skirting around the issues at hand.  I am relatively sure if a criminal wanted to, he could commit a crime with a butter knife or a chainsaw.  Should we ban those, too?

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

P E R S O N A L R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y!!

Oh, my goodness!  I cannot believe this story about the former news employee shooting the reporter and cameraman today. What a tragedy!

I am afraid our current society is filled with people like the shooter.  People who cast blame, rather than look inwardly, for their station in life.  From what I can gather, he was a disgruntled employee.  So, I am assuming that he either got fired or something and pointed his anger at these two people.

I have said it before, and I'll say it again:  This boils down to teaching our children personal responsibility!  From a young age.  When my daughter was a small child, she would do something that was not allowed, and then be disciplined for it.  Her response was always this: "You got me in trouble."  Mine was always, "No, you got yourself in trouble.  I just caught you."

You let your kids run amok and have no rules and not have to work for anything and this is what you get.  Go ahead - let them express themselves.  Sit them in time-outs.  Let them act like banshees.  But don't be surprised when they whip out a gun and end someone's life because their life didn't turn out like they wanted.

Life is not fair!  No one owes you anything.  Sometimes you get the shaft.  Sometimes you get a bum deal and it is truly not your fault.  But sometimes it is your fault.  Regardless, you can't just go around shooting people.  Whether your life is in the crapper or not, the sun still rises tomorrow.  Get up and DO something about it.  Improve yourself.  Move on.

I vote we get back to the basics of life.  Turn off that cell phone and interact with your children.  If you are the daddy, then be the daddy.  Be present in your children's lives.  If you hit a bump in your marriage, try to work it out - don't call the divorce lawyer at the first tough time. If your child is being defiant, give them a good old-fashioned spanking!  If your kid doesn't have the latest XBOX, so what?  If a criminal is convicted, stop letting them make appeal after appeal.  Be respectful.  Be courteous.  Be kind.  Stop crying racial discrimination for every last thing. Go to church.  Learn about God and try to emulate the grace we have been shown. Teach your kids to be content.  Stop having every minute planned for them.  Let them be kids. And stop having all your minutes planned as well.  Spend down time with your family.  Teach your kids that some people are nice and some aren't.  Rather than sue the mean ones, just ignore them.  Teach your kids by example. 

You only get one life. If you spend it in a uproar over every last thing, it won't be a very happy one.  Count your blessings. It is what it is.  Just live.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Everybody Take Your Top Off!

So women want to go topless in public.  To all you women who wish to participate in this, I am sure there are plenty of men fully supporting you.  But I'll bet it's not because they are for equal rights.

Most men are all for seeing boobs!  Has nothing to do with rights - has to do with human nature. Whether your chest is painted or tattooed or au naturel, men will look. And they may even tell you they support your cause (whether they know what the cause is or not).

It is human nature for women's breasts to cause arousal in men.  You can label it however you want, but that's the bottom line.  And whether you are doing it for that purpose, or to "exercise your right", it will still have the same effect.  So if you get your wish and it becomes legal, good luck to you.  I hope all who wish to participate will also sign a statement not to call the police or cry out for help if you get raped. Human nature dictates that flashing your breasts constitutes an "offer" of sorts.  And there are plenty of guys ready to accept.

The reveal of your body should be reserved for your husband - not the world. There are plenty of children whose parents do not want them to see your breasts.  And for those claiming this is a "feminist" thing, you are only cheapening yourselves and further downgrading women in general.  And though it may be wild and exciting in "the moment" of your display, you will come to regret your actions. Do none of you have children?  Is this what you want your child to think a "mom" is supposed to look like?  Some of my kids friends had moms who were all too ready to give the world a peek at what they had, and believe me, that is not what their children wanted their mom to be like.
And do you think your employer wants a woman who does this representing their company?  Probably not.

Shame on you!  There are far more important issues at hand in the world today.  Go home and put some clothes on!

Monday, August 24, 2015

Do Black Lives Matter?

Just heard on the news that someone has written a text book regarding "Black Lives Matter".  Umm, so do white, Indian, Asian, etc lives NOT matter?
I am pretty sure if we wrote a book called "White lives matter" is would be considered racist and discriminatory.
How about this for a title - "Lives Matter"?  Lives of all matter.  Lives of the unborn matter.  I feel like Obama has stirred the race pot so much that racial tension is at an all-time high right now. I don't think any life is more precious than another.  And in America, of all places - the melting pot of the world.  The United States has so many races and cultures, and we have all managed to live together for many years. Now, all of a sudden, we are back to playing the race card around every turn of events. 
I live in a predominantly white town.  But our town has many other races who live here - black, Indian, Asian, Mexican, etc. As far as I know, we are all the same.  We all need to work, buy groceries, go to church, read books at the library, have backyard barbecues, etc.  We all eat supper.  We all go to bed at night.  We all want to be successful in our lives. 

Why, in this day, would someone write a book, and a textbook at that, that they wanted to be taught in schools?  History is history. It needs to be taught to everyone. When I was in school, we learned about how America was formed, the Civil War, how black people who originated as slaves came here and were eventually made free.  That's history - the facts.  We were taught sympathy and compassion for all races.  Is this no longer taught in our schools? We learned of Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King.  We learned about determination and persistence and how we all have the opportunity to live successful lives, and improve our station in life if we so choose.

I hate that policemen are now accused of being racist just for doing their jobs.  But the racism seems to be only one way.  If a black policeman shoots a white thug while he is robbing a store, it is rarely publicized.  And I have yet to see white people burn down their local stores in protest. 

In today's world, no one owes you anything.  If you want money, get a job.  If you want a better job, get an education.  If you want new clothes, save your money and buy them. If you aren't happy with your life, change it.  Don't blame someone else and act like you are "entitled" to something just because you are black, white, or any other color.  If you committed a crime, fess up and take your punishment, and don't do it again. 

Yes, black lives do matter.  But most definitely, they don't matter more than any other color!

Friday, August 21, 2015

Ashley Madison - Not for Sissies!

Oh, my child...Your sins will find you out!!!
Isn't this most outrageous?!

First, I had no idea there was a site just for cheaters.(I know, I live in a sheltered world.) And all those sneaky people thought their doings were hidden from everyone! I have heard it said before - if it's on the internet, it's pretty much public knowledge.  I believe this perfectly demonstrates that!

Cheaters never win and winners never cheat!  Although it's their business if they want to cheat on their spouse, it becomes MY business when MY tax dollars are paying government employee salaries who peruse this site on their paid working time.  I believe that anyone who currently works for our government and has an account with Ashley Madison, AND if it can be proven that they accessed that site while on the time clock for work, they should be fired.  NO EXCEPTIONS. 

If they are cheating on their spouse, what makes you think they aren't cheating on their job as well?  Obviously some are cheating Uncle Sam out of payroll dollars by doing it while working.  In my book, if you are dishonest at one thing, you are probably dishonest at EVERYTHING.  I wouldn't want them working for me.

My mother's quote comes to mind: "Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Immigrants, Aliens, or Moochers?

I heard on the news this morning that Mexico is trying to put into place a deal where if you would like to cross into their country, you fill out appropriate paperwork and pay them  a $20 fee.
Say what?????

So, while we are desperately trying to control our border, and while hundreds of illegal Mexicans cross into the United States DAILY, and then pop out babies and receive FREE healthcare and a host of other benefits, Mexico is putting controls into place for Americans crossing into their country?

What's wrong with this picture?

First, I feel like we have much more capability of technology and organization than they do.  Would we not be more able to control crossovers than they are?  And suppose we imposed a $20 per head fee to all who wish to enter the US.  From ANY border. 

I am for "The Wall" Donald Trump speaks of.  When are we going to stop taking care of everyone EXCEPT Americans? It's basic common sense. You take care of your house before you take on the world.  And every country knows America is where you just show up.  People take our jobs illegally.  People get free healthcare illegally, while Americans can't afford it.  They pay no taxes.

How is this called "being compassionate" when our own are suffering so?

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Moving Monuments?

This Freedom From Religion group must be crazy!  I heard on the news today they were objecting to a Desert Storm Monument being located on the grounds of a government office because the monument contained the Christian fish symbol. Again, citing the separation of church and state as their reason.
What a slam to our country's veterans!  These people, who left their families to go to foreign soil and fight for our country and our freedom, and some sacrificed their life, all as instructed by our government, are now told their symbol of bravery and courage can't sit on government grounds?  I am just guessing here, but I would suppose in the midst of gunfire, those government representatives of our country were praying to God - the God that's represented by the Christian fish on their monument. So, if they want a symbol on their monument, where is the harm?

And above all that, don't we live in a country that abides by democracy?  Let's vote!  In all branches of our government, the majority rules (or is supposed to).  So let's just vote and see who objects and who doesn't. And when the vote is over, no more complaining - the majority has spoken.

I also think these issues should be handled on a local level. Let each city or county decide what their citizens want and are in favor of.  I realize the Freedom From Religion has been in existence since 1978, but I feel they are "running amok"at this point about stupid things that make no difference.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

What Is Religion, Anyway?

In the midst of the turmoil in our country right now, it seems religion comes into play more often than not.  The people who aren't "religious" want freedom from religion.  I, too want freedom from religion. I want to be able to worship, or not worship, whatever I choose.  And I want to be able to worship AS I choose.
The radical groups continue to speak of "Separation of church and state". But to say that religion has no place in government is a little hard to do.  Our governing laws (or most of them) mimic the Biblical laws set forth by Almighty God.  No killing.  No stealing.  Don't lie.  When the original separation of church and state came into play, it was to prevent the government from telling you what religion you had to be.
Our first amendment rights allow Americans to be whatever religion they choose, or no religion at all, if they choose that.  To my knowledge, that is still in force today.  So why the big uproar?  If you don't believe in God, that's your choice.  And IF you don't believe in God, why do you care what others believe in?  God commands Christians to love and have compassion on others, to show mercy and grace to people who don't deserve it, just like God showed mercy and grace to us when we don't deserve it.  If you are charged with a crime, whether you are guilty or not, don't you hope for the deciding judge to show you mercy and grace? Whether you deserve it or not?
As Christians, we have never tried to force non-believers to believe.  Our hope is that through what you see in our lives that we might be an example of God's love and compassion, and persuade you to not just believe in God, but know God in a personal way.  But if you still choose not to believe, that is totally your choice. However, you do not have the right to infringe on MY religious beliefs.  If I want to hold to my convictions, based on what the Bible says, I should have that right. That should include being able to display religious signs and sayings at my home, my business, my vehicle, etc.  The fact that a local Sheriff's vehicle says "In God We Trust" isn't a bad thing.  It means to me that as a whole, the department is God-fearing, doing their jobs as required, but with all the kindness and compassion possible.  If they had a sticker that said "in satan we trust", I would be fearful of them.
I don't understand why it's not enough that you are free to be an atheist, a catholic, a baptist, etc.

So, here's my question:  If, at the end of my life and you non-believers' lives, one or the other of us is wrong, what's the worst case scenario?
If I am wrong, then I have lived my whole life striving to be good, honest, fair, kind, generous, and at the very end, my heart stops beating and my body lies silent in the earth. That's it - the end.
If you are wrong, you face a much darker fate.  According to what I believe, as foretold in the Bible, those who reject God will stand before Him on the day they die, in judgement for the unpardonable sin, which is rejecting God.  The Bible says, "Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord".  So, I believe, that whether you believe or not, one day you will know that God is real, and on that day it will be too late for you.  The Bible says you will be cast into an eternal lake of fire, literal fire, where you will continuously be burned over and over and over.  That unimaginable pain and torment will be eternal.

Religion, or no religion, I choose God.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015


So now some anti-religious organization has objected to law enforcement vehicles having stickers displayed that say "In God We Trust". Really?
Your offense offends me! 
I don't see what harm there is in displaying this message.  If you don't personally believe, then don't believe it.  You're wrong, but whatever - it's your life.  We have had "In God We Trust" imprinted on our money since 1861.  Have you sent letters to the federal government asking them to remove it from our currency as well?  If you are so against this phrase, then do you not spend money?  Do you not have a dollar in your pocket that says "In God We Trust"?  Doesn't that make you a hypocrite?

The following was a letter written by Salmon P. Chase, United States Secretary of the Treasury to James Pollock, Director of the Mint in 1861:
Dear Sir: No nation can be strong except in the strength of God, or safe except in His defense. The trust of our people in God should be declared on our national coins. You will cause a device to be prepared without unnecessary delay with a motto expressing in the fewest and tersest words possible this national recognition.

This was a smart man.  He knew the strength of a nation was directly proportional to their faith in God.  All the groups who object to this have gradually gotten God and His word removed from public places a little at a time.  Now, we have parents who aren't allowed to discipline their children.  Schools who aren't allowed to discipline students.  People entering public places and shooting random people for unknown reasons.  Students bringing guns to school and shooting teachers and students.  ISIS terrorists beheading Christians in our country. Think that's a coincidence?  I don't believe it is.

And here's my other peeve.  What is it, about God and Christianity, that is so bad?  God directs Christians to live by the Ten Commandments.  There is nothing but good qualities there.  Islam promotes mass killings because people don't believe like they do.  Satanism is, well, satanism - nothing good there.  Christianity is about loving your enemies.  Praying for your enemies.  Taking care of your friends.  Loving God. Respecting others.  Spreading the word of God and his love for people.  Striving to do what is good and moral and ethical.  Is that so bad?

Monday, August 10, 2015

ANOTHER Ferguson Shooting?!!

As my mother has said many times, "Criminitlies!"  I'm not even sure that's a word or of it's meaning if it is, but she always used it during times of disappointment and exasperation.

What on earth are those people doing there?  More smashing storefronts and rioting?  I have always though a "protest" was a way to make your voice heard in a calm, peaceful manner, so that the governing bodies could see that you were against (or in favor of) something.  I have never known of a violent riot resulting in getting your point across.  And why would you want to destroy businesses where you live?  These are black people, and they are destroying black-owned businesses.  How is this a good thing?

And this particular person in this latest shooting shot at a vehicle containing policemen.  Why would anyone do that?  What did he hope to prove?  And if that wasn't dumb enough, his father was quoted as saying he was "just running for his life".  Well, duh!  You shoot at a car full of policemen who begin shooting back, what else are you going to do but run for your life?

And why were those people gathered anyway?  They already made their point a year ago.  Of course I don't know if they realize it or not, but the point they made was they were mad, so they destroyed property of people who owned businesses and lived in Ferguson. Still not sure of what was productive about that.


Michael Brown was nothing but a street thug.  He robbed a store, for Pete's sake!  Had he NOT been committing a crime, he would never have been pursued for questioning, and HAD he surrendered upon the FIRST request of the officers, he would not have been shot.  And if he had a JOB, he would have been otherwise occupied on that day. 

I will never understand this. If I bump into you at the store, church, on the street, or anywhere else, I will be polite and treat you respectfully, regardless of your color, religion, etc.  But if you are trying to hurt me or my family, rob me, or kill me, better bring your lunch - might be an all-day job.  Again, doesn't matter what color your skin is - I will defend myself and my family however I can, and if that means shooting you, then so be it. 

Why don't these people stop being "black" and start being "American".  Do something productive.  Give of yourself.  Be responsible!

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Planned Parenthood - To Fund or Not To Fund

The democrats have definitely made their mark these last few years, but this Planned Parenthood thing is utterly ridiculous!
Our local Pregnancy Crisis Center is funded by donations.  They do not harm mothers or babies.  They promote GOOD.  They help pregnant women, regardless of their race, religion, or lifestyle.  They counsel them.  They provide multiple options for dealing with pregnancy, all of which promote LIFE to baby and mother.  They give them a place to stay if needed.  They provide vitamins, tests, diapers, formula, etc. They do all this through fund-raising.
Planned Parenthood promotes abortions.  They kill babies.  They mutilate babies.  They sell baby parts.  Their executives are getting rich from this horrific trauma. They cause lifetime emotional distress for women. They have no empathy or sympathy for expectant mothers.  They promote nothing that is good or having a positive impact on the lives of women.

So, is it just me, or is this a no-brainer?  If you are going to spend my tax dollars, then I should get to vote as to where they go. And if Planned Parenthood is such a wonderful institution, let them fund-raise.  Let them do their business solely on the donations of others.  See how many people would like to donate to their cause.  If our government is going to funnel money to them, then shoot some to the Pregnancy Crisis Centers as well.  Sending it only to Planned Parenthood is most definitely DISCRIMINATION!  And in our day of political correctness, we just can't have anything one-sided any more.

Oh, yeah, forgot to mention that Planned Parenthood OFFENDS ME! And as we all know, if we are offended by something, it MUST be removed!